Example sentences of "apply [prep] [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 In that case there could have been no just criticism of Lincoln 's Inn in the way it had adjudicated on the application of a student applying for admission to the Inn who had had serious criminal convictions between 1956 and 1974 .
2 For this reason , the Faculty advises all those interested in applying for admission to the M.Phil .
3 After around ten to fifteen years in practice , successful barristers can consider applying for promotion to Queen 's Counsel , known as ‘ silk ’ from the material of which the QC 's formal gown is made .
4 When applying for entry to a conversion course , past experience and qualifications will be taken into account , of course , but the demand for places on the 52-week courses is such that returning nurses are likely to be disadvantaged from those already practising .
5 A residence requirement applying without discrimination to nationals and nationals of other member states was held in Robert Fearon & Co .
6 At Nutbourne also Thomas Croft , upon being admitted , applied for licence to demise a cottage and 3 acres because , as a minor , he was unable to manage them personally .
7 In the summer of 1905 , Robert Connolly , a groom aged thirty-eight , applied for admission to the casual wards , saying that he came from Wellingborough , and was on his way to London .
8 Moreover , since , under section 6(4) all those who had applied for admission to the school had expressed a statutory preference for that school , the rejection of any one of those applicants involved a failure to give effect to the preference of one or more parents .
9 All who have applied for admission to the school are to be taken to have expressed a preference for that school : section 6(4) .
10 Five newcomers have applied for promotion to the Sealink level and the two front runners are Holyhead Town and St Asaph City , the respective Gwynedd and Clwyd League champions .
11 By the end of May around 15,000 former BCCI depositors had applied for compensation to the UK 's Deposit Protection Board .
12 Normally , married women only applied for re-admission to the union and thus to the trade ( which was not granted automatically ) when their husbands had either died or were severely incapacitated .
13 To teachers , it is of particular interest not only because it provides a model which might be applied with modifications to discourse in general , but also because the discourse type it chose to analyse was school lessons .
14 This order now provides for the full year 's 4.1 per cent increase to be applied from April to the October rates , even though they will have been in place for only six months .
15 Jo 's hair was towel dried and put into sections , the mixture was then applied from roots to ends whilst it was still warm .
16 In the case of investments in companies with a capitalisation of under £5m , 3i has reduced the discount applied from 40% to 30% .
17 If the lowering property of is applied in turn to and we obtain
18 An ever increasing flow of economic data has been matched only by the multifarious ways in which it can be interpreted and applied in relation to economic policy .
19 Meager ( 1986 ) showed that in 1984 such employment strategies were widely applied in relation to personal service , office and manual workers and to some extent to the recruitment of managerial , technical and professional staff .
20 The central problem in this research revolved around exploring how labels such as ‘ child at risk ’ , ‘ abused child ’ and ‘ child in need of care ’ , were applied in practice to particular cases .
21 It was clear that if the gravitational theory was to be applied in practice to planetary motion , the programme would need to develop from this idealized model to more realistic ones .
22 Dahlgren [ 1986 ] approaches the problem of sense discrimination using an ordered set of categorial rules that are applied in sequence to the text to be discriminated .
23 I understand that more local communities have applied to TDC to be considered as ‘ host ’ towns for new prisons than TDC has plans to build them .
24 An extensive questionnaire was designed , proved and applied on site to 28 pairs of companies and the answers were analysed on a computer .
25 It is sometimes argued that direct persuasion applied by A to B not to perform his contract is itself the procurement of breach by unlawful means , but the argument is circular and it seems better simply to say that in this form of the tort no use of unlawful means is required .
26 It was applied by Baulig to Brittany ( 1935 ) and seemed to work quite well as the basic map used was the old French 1:80 000 hachured map which had plenty of spot heights often on flattish summits or spurs .
27 On Sept. 14 , 1989 , an agreement was eventually initialled which provided for a customs union with the EC whereby industrial goods would flow freely between Andorra and the EC but the EC 's external tariffs would be applied by Andorra to third countries .
28 Thus , although their findings are often applied by others to all children in care , only one in eight of children entering care in England and Wales meet the criteria for inclusion in their study .
29 But it is a useful conception ; and it has been applied by Statute to some public officers , such as certain Ministers and the Official Solicitor .
30 Hudson points to the fact that , not only are these terms applied by pupils to the arts and sciences , but also they are recognized to a large degree by those , like himself , working within psychology .
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