Example sentences of "apply [prep] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 When they applied for help with arrears , " The DHSS told me to sell some of the furniture or the telly .
2 I was not short of students who applied for help in the most distressing of circumstances : mature students with spouses and children , who had been denied housing benefit and income support to which they had previously been entitled ; landlords pressing for rent payments and students with no money to pay ; arrears of rent building up ; poll tax arrears building up ; overdrafts being extended ; electricity supplies being cut off , in some cases to parents and children .
3 that er , we applied for test of proportionality , the minimum necessary , my Lord this is a , your Lordship 's focus on admission rules which of course different to what we 're concerned with here , admission to the market , erm , and it , it is the minimum necessary to ensure that all those who should be in the market and are capable of competing are in the market .
4 Geisler applied for probation for Mitchum and a further hearing was set for February .
5 When he applied for immigration into Australia he had to undergo a routine medical examination .
6 On 1 December , the IDA applied for permission for an asbestos waste dump on land it owned at Curraghbinny , an exclusive residential and scenic area of Co .
7 He applied for discovery of certain internal police reports .
8 ‘ To begin with , I worked for the family , pushing the churns round the streets on the milk-cart , but then I got too old for that , and I applied for work with the Dock workers Guild at Jubilee Wharf . ’
9 26–12- James McDermid , shepherd at Lossit , applied for baptism of his child .
10 And , I applied for loads of jobs and nothing ever came back .
11 Further honours awaited him at Bologna , where he applied for membership of the Accademia Filarmonica .
12 Switzerland applied for membership of the International Monetary Fund ( IMF ) and the World Bank on June 6 , 1990 .
13 On July 1 Sweden applied for membership of the EC .
14 On March 18 Finland applied for membership of the European Communities ( EC ) .
15 Greece applied for membership in 1975 and finally became a Member State on 1 January 1981 .
16 Mr Curtin had been suspended from practice for three months in 1991 by the Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal and the condition imposed by an Assistant Director of the Solicitors Complaints Bureau when Mr Curtin applied for renewal of his practising certificate was that of practising only in approved employment , as opposed to in approved partnership , which had been the condition applicable to Mr Curtin 's certificate prior to his suspension from practice .
17 He applied for job after job , unsuccessfully , for weeks : he was in his early fifties , and this was the era of ‘ too old at forty ’ , let alone fifty .
18 At the end of two years she applied for jobs with various banks and when I met her she had just been accepted as a trainee accounting technician .
19 According to the Home Office statistics the number of people applying for asylum in the first quarter of 1992 more than halved , from 3730 a month last year to 1730 a month this year .
20 In the first few months of this year , they accounted for 20% of those applying for asylum in the main European countries .
21 Solicitors will lose their monopoly on applying for grants of probate to deal with wills .
22 Solicitors will lose their monopoly on applying for grants of probate to deal with wills .
23 In that case there could have been no just criticism of Lincoln 's Inn in the way it had adjudicated on the application of a student applying for admission to the Inn who had had serious criminal convictions between 1956 and 1974 .
24 For this reason , the Faculty advises all those interested in applying for admission to the M.Phil .
25 We have seen that , if students ' freedom to learn is to be a reality , it has to be acknowledged by the academic community in all the academic processes that affect students , from the time of applying for admission through the course arrangements and the curriculum experience to the final assessment .
26 If you are applying for compensation for damage , please keep the damaged article , and the packaging , as we may need to see them later .
27 The features that impressed these employers about the spare/part-time jobs of young people applying for apprenticeships in their firms were mainly elements which were absent in WE schemes .
28 Having impounded these two sets for the time , we give our full attention to such influences as the inducements which good fishing wages will offer to sailors to stay in their fishing homes for a year or two , instead of applying for work on a ship .
29 In conjunction with the National Physical Laboratories , X/Open is also applying for funding under the UK Department of Trade and Industry 's ‘ Prost ’ initiative ( for testing open systems conformance ) , to develop a method for testing on-line transaction processing solutions .
30 Intertel Communications Inc , currently legally a Canadian company , says from its Teleport Denver Inc base in Colorado that it plans to swear allegiance to the flag and become a naturalised American : it will reincorporate in the US to meet a condition set by the Federal Communications Commission , which gave plenty of ammunition to the Europeans that say that the US market is not as open as Uncle Sam likes to think , by insisting that only American companies could hold earth satellite station common carrier licences — there is no comparable restriction on US companies applying for licences in the UK .
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