Example sentences of "strong case for [art] " in BNC.

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1 There is a strong case for a more serious effort at collaboration on such matters within the alliance .
2 Disconcertingly , however , Thomas Kuhn 's account of the development of science in The Structure of Scientific Revolutions makes a strong case for a third kind , even if not quite a kind which would suit Newton .
3 There is now a strong case for a realistic dialogue between those studying glacier dynamics and those studying forms .
4 With today 's fast and powerful machines there is a strong case for a complete re-write of DOS or for changing to an operating system specifically designed for power computing .
5 5.3 There is therefore a strong case for a full review of these gradings to be carried out .
6 Ed , I think argued a very strong case for a greater level of influence of trade unionists in the Party than is suggested in this reform and I can see the force of those remarks but the C E C adopted the position that we did not want to take a position of dominance to the Party Conference .
7 Middlesbrough Council will be putting forward a strong case for a ‘ core area ’ , including the Whinney Banks and Grove Hill districts of the town .
8 There was a strong case for an energy conservation programme , if only on psychological grounds .
9 In a decision which was widely predicted , Mr Patten has declared himself minded to uphold the view of the department 's inspectorate that Consortium Developments , representing several of the country 's major home-builders , had not made a sufficiently strong case for the development of 4,800 houses in what is an abandoned quarry and a conifer plantation .
10 Moreover , they saw a strong case for the development of amphibious forces , supported by the carrier groups , to seize points of entry for the fly-in of air-transported forces .
11 Viscount Churchill , CCLA 's investment manager , agrees that fund managers are making a little too much of the opportunities available , but presents a strong case for the common investment funds : ‘ They have one great advantage — they can declare dividends gross .
12 Teachers had begun to realise there was a strong case for the teaching of knowledge about language in ways very different from those that had been fashionable thirty years earlier .
13 Even so , there is still a strong case for the regulating authorities to maintain one office whose sole job is to seek out weakness , anticipate encroachments on the standard of safety and to take action before the hazard becomes dangerous .
14 These , he maintains , are the likely examples which relate to the Florentine cantasi come prints ; and he presents a strong case for the performance of the polyphonic models , and not the monophonic ones as Giulio Cattin suggests .
15 The National Association of Head Teachers said : ’ There is undoubtedly a need to improve the regularity of formal school inspections , as well as a strong case for the provision of detailed information about schools to parents . ’
16 Their latest observations ( p 1607 ) are noteworthy in that , in addition to making a strong case for the clinical usefulness of cerebral microdialysis ( by aiding identification of the site of seizure origin ) , they show that the technique contributes to our understanding of the pathophysiology of epilepsy .
17 It is not hard , however , to make a strong case for the view that unrest in a particular part of the empire in 1858 loomed large in the regime 's decision to opt for the version of emancipation which gave peasants land .
18 Mr Gould said : ‘ Local people and local consultations must be the basis of re-organisation , but there is an extremely strong case for the old county boroughs such as Darlington to be made unitary authorities controlling their own services . ’
19 Home Office guidelines suggested that refugees from religious , racial or political persecution had the strongest case for a C registration .
20 The reader can not have failed to notice that J. A. Fodor is fast emerging here as the bête noire , in that he both presents the strongest case for the representational theory of the mind and champions the conclusion which flows from it about the impossibility of concept-learning .
21 There is a far stronger case for a rape charge once the girl has reached the age of 13 , provided that the experience of testifying in court would not be unduly stressful for her .
22 Socialism , however , had been repudiated at the polls even more decisively than Protection , and there seemed to be a stronger case for an anti-socialist coalition composed of the Conservative and Liberal Parties than for a Free Trade one .
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