Example sentences of "lie back in the " in BNC.

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1 Gurder moved closer and glanced over his shoulder at Angalo , who was lying back in the control seat with a look of dreamy contentment on his face .
2 ‘ Come on ; do n't just lie there , ’ Andy said matter-of-factly , leaving his cock alone and lying back in the grass , putting his arm behind his head and staring up at the sky .
3 I do n't want them to ask me any more questions , so what I do is I lie back in the sofa and shut my eyes like I 'm asleep .
4 I would put on a tape of Tudor madrigals — a new interest — and lie back in the contoured leather seats , letting myself melt into the crevices of Morley 's sinuous six-part harmony and observing the surrounding misery with mounting satisfaction .
5 Anna lay back in the bath , staring at the wall tiles .
6 Instead I lay back in the heather and savoured the trickle of the burn and the crisp smell of peat-laden ground .
7 Walter sighed and lay back in the chair .
8 After a while Father Poole straightened up with a groan and lay back in the chair .
9 She lay back in the musty smelling chair , at peace with the world , and allowed the late April sun to envelop her .
10 He watched as Julie lay back in the canoe and moved under the bridge by pushing against the fiat underside with her hands .
11 Vologsky lay back in the flight couch , his body quiescent but just short of the point of relaxation .
12 Gritting his teeth he lay back in the chair and forced himself to relax .
13 Lizzy lay back in the bed .
14 I swung my feet up on the desk and lay back in the chair .
15 I lay back in the long chair .
16 And I lay back in the cradling pouch-seat , enjoying the feeling of being safe and relaxed — and financially secure for a while , with that fee safely tucked away in my Fedbank account .
17 She lay back in the chair and he went out of her like alcohol .
18 She lay back in the chair .
19 She lay back in the water , closing her eyes as the water lapped softly against her skin .
20 Her father lay back in the big squashy leather chair and closed his eyes for a moment , before opening them again and fixing them firmly on his daughter .
21 Ensconsed in the privacy of one of the new modern bath-rooms , she turned off the tap , lay back in the warm mineral water , let her whole body go limp , and let her mind follow suit .
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