Example sentences of "break down [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The aim of the gist-listening session was to try and break down this hostility by showing the group that they could understand two native speakers talking ‘ naturally ’ , in this case about a shopping expedition .
2 This helps break down heavy soil and enables free-draining soil to hold water .
3 At Glasgow School of Art , she was lucky enough to have a teacher who understood that an artist has to ‘ break down some kind of barrier within yourself ’ , transcending stifling Scottish morality .
4 Thus , the development of the angiosperm flora of the Palaeocene was paralleled by an extensive radiation of specialised herbivorous mammals with the capacity to ferment and break down tough plant material .
5 Break down each block into discrete units of knowledge .
6 Strategies of looking , in turn , break down this process and insist upon an adequate period of delay so that the offerings which emerge are firmly anchored within the work .
7 Stir gently to distribute the fruits and break down any ice crystals .
8 Bacteria , along with fungi , are well established as agents of decomposition in soils wherein they break down organic matter to release carbon dioxide and nitrogenous compounds .
9 I says to him , with him breaking down other night his dinner went to dog .
10 The process of breaking down toxic waste in filters causes the formation on nitrates and nitric acid , which can exhaust the pH buffer ( if present ) , and cause sudden drops in the pH .
11 But the methodology of modern laboratory science and of modern industry , whereby the first step in analysis always consists of breaking down continuous unity into innumerable separated discontinuities , certainly goes too far .
12 Much of geography over the last 40 years has been concerned with analysing these subsystems by breaking down each subsystem into ever smaller component parts and studying these parts , and their interrelationships , at an increasing level of detail .
13 For stirring the topsoil without inverting it , and for breaking down half-rotted turf and clods , a wide range of cultivators is available .
14 There were two options : he could either take unilateral measures to challenge US hegemony or he could seek alternative partners with a common interest in breaking down hegemonic control .
15 He offers no apologies for joining Mike Gatting 's ill-fated tour of the Republic and insists he wo n't be breaking down this winter as he has so often before in England 's colours .
16 The Spirit means us to know where we stand ( I John 3:24 ; 5:13 ) and the Epistle is at pains to point out various signs which give confidence to true believers , while breaking down false assurance .
17 Deleuze reverses Plato by validating this simulacrum of the good copy on the grounds that , precisely because it is a bad copy , it breaks down all adequation between copy and model , appearance and essence , event and Idea .
18 It makes use , again , of the growth hormone gene , and another gene which codes for an enzyme elastase , which is made in the pancreas and enters the stomach where it breaks down elastic tissue .
19 The inclusion of a joke , suitably disguised pupil howler or cartoon on a regular basis breaks down any heaviness in the letter .
20 And then er I just completely broke down one night , I just could n't take any more pressure .
21 Steamboats , railways and telegraphs broke down geographical isolation .
22 A lorry transporting Rodney the hundred and eighty seven tonne diesel engine broke down half way up Crickley Hill , near Gloucester , causing long tailbacks .
23 A lorry transporting Rodney the hundred and eighty seven tonne diesel engine broke down half way up Crickley Hill , near Gloucester , causing long tailbacks .
24 there is a better chance now than ever before to break down that prejudice which prompted the Irish people to confound in one common hatred the oppressed classes of England with the oppressors of both countries .
25 Berlusconi , unabashed by his own creation of what amounts to a duopoly , bangs the drum of the free market against RAI , claiming that the licence payers ' money is being squandered to break down unwanted competition .
26 Thus , the energy required to break down one mole of the lattice into isolated gaseousions is equal to the reverse of the energy change which accompanies the formation of one mole of the lattice from its gaseous ions .
27 They had ‘ got into the way of singing this song ’ , he explained , and it was ‘ by degrees that he hopes to break down this habit ’ .
28 Another idea thrown up by interferon research has been to make synthetic analogues of the 2',5'-oligoadenylate molecules formed in response to interferon and which activate the nuclease enzyme to break down viral messenger RNA .
29 Exfoliate regularly with a loofah to break down dead skin cells and encourage blood flow and healthy skin renewal .
30 Worm casts have been shown to contain enzymes which continue to break down organic matter even after they have been excreted .
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