Example sentences of "quality [coord] [noun] for " in BNC.

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1 As regards the value of a trade mark to a manufacturer , two factors are important : the buying public 's familiarity with the mark and their experience of reasonable quality or value for money in the past associated with the mark .
2 Fourthly , it is an offence for someone in the course of a business to supply goods bearing any statement about the seller 's liability in respect of description , quality or fitness for purpose unless the statement also makes it clear that the statement does not affect the statutory rights of the consumer .
3 This will therefore be the position where , for example , the seller is in breach of one of the conditions as to description , merchantable quality or fitness for purpose , implied by the Sale of Goods Act , sections 13 and 14 .
4 ‘ ( 1 ) Except as provided by this section , and section 15 below and subject to any other enactment , there is no implied condition or warranty about the quality or fitness for any particular purpose of goods supplied under a contract of sale . ’
5 Section 7(2) prevents the exclusion of liability as against a consumer for breach of warranties arising by implication of law from the form of the contract as to the goods ' correspondence to description or sample , or their quality or fitness for any particular purpose .
6 Similarly , All conditions and warranties , express or implied , as to the quality or fitness for any purpose of the goods are hereby expressly excluded purports to exclude the implied terms concerned with merchantability ( SGA 1979 , ss14(2) and 15(2) ( a ) , ( c ) ) and fitness for purpose ( SGA 1979 , s14(3) ) .
7 Nevertheless , s14(4) of SGA 1979 , which is replicated in other supply contracts ( s10(4) of SOGIT 1973 as substituted by the CCA 1974 and ss4(7) , 9(7) of SGSA 1982 ) , provides , " An implied condition or warranty as to quality or fitness for a particular purpose may be annexed to a contract of sale by usage " .
8 ( 2 ) As against a person dealing as consumer , liability in respect of the goods ' correspondence with description or sample , or their quality or fitness for any particular purpose , can not be excluded or restricted by reference to any such term .
9 This sets out to offer the full range of Fluka products alongside those of Sigma and Aldrich , but at a scale and price more appropriate to the needs of pilot or development plant , clinical trial or production level , while maintaining the very high levels of quality and service for which all three companies are renowned .
10 Geldof gives up struggling to be a singer of quality and pitches for the spoken individuality of a Dylan .
11 The right mat provides the optimum combination of safety , comfort , drainage , quality and durability for each particular application .
12 The new Act adopts a similar approach to the Sale of Goods Act in respect of description , merchantable quality and fitness for purpose of goods , but applies it to :
13 The principal purposes of legislation are to ensure , so far as practicable , that ( i ) goods and services fulfil basic standards of quality and fitness for purpose , ( ii ) goods and services are fairly described in advertising etc , ( iii ) goods are safe , and ( iv ) any financial arrangements ( esp .
14 This clause might well be interpreted as excluding the manufacturer 's liability to the wholesaler under the implied terms as to merchantable quality and fitness for purpose .
15 Marine 's ) liability for breach of the statutory implied terms as to merchantable quality and fitness for purpose .
16 By definition the private seller did not sell in the course of a business ; that rules out the conditions in section 14 ( i.e. as to merchantable quality and fitness for purpose ) .
17 The relevant provisions in the Supply of Goods and Services Act 1982 regarding hire agreements include implied terms about the right of the supplier to transfer possession of the goods , that the goods must correspond with their description and implied terms about quality and fitness for purpose ( sections 7 to 10 ) .
18 The buyer also should be able to sue on the basis of breach of contract if the item is defective and fails to comply with implied terms such as those concerning merchantable quality and fitness for purpose .
19 Pyro has a contract with Dynamight Ltd and terms of merchantable quality and fitness for the purpose would be implied into the contract under the Sale of Goods Act 1979 , ss. 14(2) and 14(3) .
20 The SGSA implies warranties as to conformance with description ( ss 3 and 8 ) and with sample ( ss 5 and 10 ) , and ( in the case of business contracts only ) as to quality and fitness for purpose ( ss 4 and 9 ) .
21 However , in the area of quality and fitness for purpose , the SGSA prescribes that any such warranties relating to those matters shall no longer have effect in such contracts to the extent that they fall within the scope of the SGSA .
22 Where one party to a contract contracts to use certain goods for the purposes of the contract , considerations of title and quiet possession may be irrelevant , but conformity to description , sample , quality and fitness for purpose may well not be .
23 For instance , quality and fitness for purpose could well be vitally important in a contract whereby , eg a dry cleaner agrees to use particular solvents upon a customer 's clothes , or the owner of an art gallery agrees to use special chemicals to restore and clean a painting .
24 Clause 2 can not operate effectively without an exclusion of the other warranties otherwise implied by the SGA in the area of quality and fitness for purpose .
25 Accordingly , the Buyer agrees to take the goods in their current state , after having satisfied himself by inspection , as to their quality and fitness for the purpose for which the Buyer requires them .
26 In contrast , in R & B Customs Brokers Ltd v UDT Finance Ltd [ 1988 ] 1 All ER 847 a clause in a hire purchase contract purported to exclude all implied terms concerned with description , quality and fitness for purpose .
27 The legislature through the SGA 1979 , SOGIT 1982 , the SGSA 1982 and the CCA 1974 has also assimilated sale , conditional sales and hire purchase in relation to the statutorily implied terms as to title , description , quality and fitness for purpose ( see Chapter 5 ) .
28 As between the parties themselves the questions related to quality and fitness for purpose .
29 Quality and value for money is the name of the game here !
30 Consumers want choice , quality and value for money .
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