Example sentences of "mrs [noun prp] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Many people have lost lots of money in this way but Mr and Mrs Wilkins paid for their decision with their lives . ’
2 She and Mrs Taylor went around the shops ordering what they thought was necessary and Dad and his cronies , Fred the lamplighter and his workmate Willie Turner , went along to The Golden Cup to order the drink .
3 I literally jumped for joy when I heard that key turn in the lock and saw Mum and Mrs Taylor enter with another woman .
4 THE last time I saw Sting he was with Mrs Sting sitting on the TV-am sofa reminding us of our duty to the rainforests .
5 Mrs Crump stood in the background and moved her head a little .
6 Mrs Crump cried to herself , leaning forward now on a Pisan scale .
7 Mrs Marcos went on trial in New York this week , on March 20th , by coincidence the day on which the contents of her letter to Mr Bush was disclosed .
8 When Ferdinand died in 1989 Mrs Marcos seemed to be the only link to the billions of dollars that the Philippines claims the Marcos family stole during his presidency .
9 Last night , only Mrs Spence remained in hospital .
10 Mrs Reed arranged for me to leave on the nineteenth of January .
11 Mrs Reed appeared at the door of the room .
12 The neat , slight figure of the rider — Mrs Totteridge according to the stable girl — could be seen , square of shoulder , round of head , guiding a black mare through a triple .
13 Mrs Totteridge glared at George .
14 You 'd just be coming in shouting at people , like Mrs Healy does over in the hotel . ’
15 Mrs Keating swore at her and hung up .
16 For most of the day they 're shut in a darkened cupboard while Mrs Mooney works as a supermarket cleaner .
17 Mrs Little leaned against the kitchen doorway , a freshly-lit cigarette in her hand .
18 ‘ These are very good cakes , Miss Cuthbert , ’ Mrs Allan said to Marilla .
19 Mrs Kemp died at the JR2 — fifty minutes ago .
20 Then he coughed a little as if he had embarrassed himself and went on , returning to his normal , slightly facetious manner , ‘ Though not one Mrs Hobbs cared for , I 'm afraid .
21 Mrs Hobbs lay on the back seat .
22 I decided to ask Mrs Dean to sit with me after supper .
23 Nor that Mrs Jenkins emerged from the confusion with a knife wound .
24 Mrs Fitzgerald said in her gentle voice and Anne smiled and agreed .
25 Mrs Whitehouse wrote on behalf of the NVALA to the then Home Secretary , Roy Jenkins , asking if he would declare Thorsen an ‘ undesirable alien ’ , to which they received a negative reply .
26 Also in the list and discussed below are : Alex Comfort and Dr Martin Cole in the area of sex education , John Calder the publisher , John Trevelyan the erstwhile film censor , Roy Jenkins , Labour Home Secretary in the 1960s , as well as John Mortimer , the barrister , novelist and playwright , and what Mrs Whitehouse referred to as his ‘ travelling circus of expert witnesses ’ who were regularly in court to defend publications charged under the Obscene Publications Act .
27 The first is Mrs Whitehouse 's emphasis on the power of television as a medium , the second the notion of the ‘ new morality ’ which was widely used in the mid-1960s and which Mrs Whitehouse focused upon in her attacks on both broadcasting and the ‘ South Bank ’ theologians .
28 She could hear Mrs Lorimer shouting for her favourite lodger , then she heard her say in a loud voice , ‘ It 's a woman .
29 ‘ But apparently , ’ Mrs Baggley returned to her previous committed tones , ‘ one phrase used by Canon Wheeler did strike her . ’
30 Is a little inclined to fantasise , ’ Mrs Baggley ended with a judicious air .
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