Example sentences of "watch [pron] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 And if you could watch him for a while longer , you might discover just what he — a descendant of herd-living , company-loving , fast and flighty wild horses — feels about domestication .
2 There 's a man and a woman sitting at a table by the window , and I watch them for a bit .
3 I watch them for a bit , but they do n't win nothing .
4 I watch them for a bit .
5 So watch them for a while and then he started dancing with them and he dance them all night and he just get in his hand .
6 The smoke sort of hangs in blue layers above the bed and I watch it for a bit .
7 There 's a fag end on the ground by my eye and I watch it for a bit .
8 Watch it for its parched melancholia : watch it for the fantastic innards-eaten Erich von Stroheim ; watch it and spot which tiny , yet central , image Spielberg nicked from it for ET .
9 O over this election , what you 've got ta do is every night , is if you 're interested is watch it for the first quarter of an hour of the news every night .
10 He watched me for the effect of this slang .
11 Madame Gautier watched them for a moment , drawing deeply on her cigarette .
12 Donna watched them for a moment , then looked away .
13 I stood and watched them for a while , training my binoculars on them and seeming , now and again in the shifting images of light , to discern structures around them .
14 ‘ So I watched you for a while , and when you saw me watching , and you looked nervous , as though you thought me a criminal , about to steal all the stock , it amused me to tease you , try and discover why Donal thought you special .
15 Joe watched her for a second , his long finger delicately turning the gold ring in his ear .
16 Anne watched her for a few moments in stunned silence , trying to decide if she meant what she had said .
17 He watched her for a moment in silence .
18 The Doctor stepped back , watched her for a moment , and walked round her to the console at which Britta was working .
19 Elaine watched her for a few minutes before paddling further into the shore , lying on the soft , creamy sand , letting the shallow water caress her feet and legs .
20 Burun watched her for a moment , then he looked back at Suragai .
21 ‘ I think it 's fine , ’ Alina said , and Pete watched her for a moment longer , almost as if he was checking her score on a test .
22 Luke watched her for a moment in silence , and Merrill 's gaze fell .
23 The sister watched her for a while , then sent the nurse on an errand .
24 Jake watched her for a moment , then observed in a soft voice , ‘ Of course , I care about Kirsty .
25 Guido smiled , lifting one eyebrow , and watched her for a moment .
26 Travis watched her for a second , then eased off his load and knelt down beside her .
27 Rain watched her for the last few yards , noting how the morning 's cheerfulness had been replaced by anxiety .
28 Anabelle watched him for a long while , but he did n't twitch a muscle .
29 Once satisfied , she took his pulse again , then watched him for a while .
30 Lucy , still wary , watched him for a moment longer .
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