Example sentences of "watch for the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 We can all watch for the Labour block vote at the end of this debate as a matter of principle , I could never vote in support of the Labour whip .
2 Watch for the rich earthy tones of their Etruscan paving , the mosaic patterns impressed on the slab capturing the mood of the Mediterranean .
3 Watch for the early signs of stress in yourself and those around you .
4 His mind recalled the familiar ambience of his trade ; men moving like black shadows behind the glare of the arc-lights the police cars tidily parked ; the flap of the screens , desultory voices conferring as they watched for the first lights of his approaching car .
5 There was little need to hurry over breakfast , because even by nine o'clock there is barely enough light to see fine details , but shortly after nine the first starlings arrive for their morning meal , shoving and squabbling as they line up on the washing line to watch for the first human activity .
6 Word of his presence had reached the army commander at Inverness and 1500 men were secretly sent off to capture him , but his hostess got wind of the plan and sent the prince to shelter in the woods , having posted four servants with a local blacksmith to watch for the approaching column .
7 March , April and May are the periods to watch for the sudden and the unexpected , although virtually every month contains a potential departure or arrival point , an ending or a beginning .
8 You also have to watch for the sudden windfalls — like the R.P.I. Index monies this year .
9 But Robin-Anne did not react , and I looked down to see that she was not watching for the new day , but was crying .
10 Artegall fights as a skilful mariner controls his vessel in a storm ( V , XII , 18 ) and defeats the giant by carefully watching for the right advantage .
11 It was tempting to think that he might live down there for ever , occasionally emerging to dodge through the empty quiet streets ; watching for the armed patrols of the faceless men in black .
12 She marked the paths of birds and insects , pointed to the homes of lizards and carried a fishing line which she would occasionally cast , watching for the rough bobbin to lurch , winding in a small , flat saafi fish which danced on the hook until she released it and tossed it back .
13 Fishing eagles either use the trees around the lake edge as lookout points or soar high above the lake watching for the tell-tale dorsal fin of a basking tilapia to break the surface .
14 Only to be thrown back by the magic of the fire in the tree , the tree spirit , herself , flickering through time , watching , watching for the clay-haired rider .
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