Example sentences of "ten year [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 For another ten years not a soul had dared enter it , until the snake-hunters steeled themselves to descend in pursuit of a python which had consumed a child in the dry season of 1969 .
2 Ten years later a note in the Minutes of the Garden Committee states that Miller had asked for a residence to be built in the Garden , but this was refused .
3 In the 1860s a line was built along the path of the old moat and then out to the new dock at Neufahrwasser ( Nowy Port ) , and ten years later a second branch line went on up the coast to Koszalin .
4 Ten years later a state of emergency is still in force , renewed in May 1991 for a further three years , and political detainees held incommunicado under emergency provisions continue to be denied basic protection against torture .
5 Ten years later a cohort study in Iceland confirmed that male blood-relatives of women with breast cancer had an excess risk of prostate cancer .
6 Ten years later the Congregationalists followed suit with their first International Council : the suggestion here had come from Australia .
7 Ten years later the 50% State-owned Gasunie announced that , with exports running at more than half of production , it was time to call a halt and all new export contracts were stopped .
8 Changes over time also indicate that living alone is on the increase as a feature of old age : the General Household Survey ( OPCS , 1985 ) shows that in 1973 , 40 per cent of those aged 75 and over lived alone ; ten years later the figure was 47 per cent .
9 Ten years later the Attorney-General noted that judicial officers were chosen ‘ because considered unfit for the revenue branch of the service ’ .
10 Ten years later the Germans had taken the lead .
11 Some ten years later the main plank in the platform of Beauford Jester as candidate for State Governor was prison reform , and he was elected on that campaign issue .
12 In 1923 , the collection opened to the public , but ten years later the mansion was declared a fire hazard and the paintings were moved to the recently built Philadelphia Museum of Art .
13 Ten years later the French , now ruled by Louis VIII , broke out in another direction , this time in the Bay of Biscay , with the capture of La Rochelle in 1224 .
14 Unfortunately the new machines were not sufficiently reliable , and about ten years later the mill ceased production .
15 And ten years later the Mantuan composer Alessandro Striggio ( c. 1535–c. 1595 ) , in order to hold together the forty parts of his four-choir motet ‘ Ecce beatam lucem ’ , devised a bassone or ‘ general bass ’ ‘ extracted from the lowest voices , to be played in the middle of the circle [ of performers ] by a trombone for the sustaining of the harmony with organ , lute and cembali or viols ’ .
16 Ten years later the elder Enoch , Ruth ( 26 ) , Henry ( 21 ) and a grandson , Enoch Roebuck Coldwell ( 15 ) , were each earning their living as wool handloom weavers .
17 Ten years later the brewery embarked on a substantial redevelopment programme and rechristened the pub The Brown Trout ‘ to bring it more into keeping with Darlington ’ .
18 Ten years ago every part of a GM car was sourced from two , and in some cases three , suppliers .
19 Ten years ago a light beam passed down an optical fibre was reduced by 99 per cent to one per cent of its original strength after travelling just one kilometre .
20 Ten years ago a New Zealand company was given a licence to dig it out .
21 Ten years ago a group was formed in South Devon called The South Hams Smallholders Group .
22 Ten years ago a small group of woodworkers formed a co-operative , modelled on a halibut fishery in Alaska .
23 About ten years ago a near science block was built next to the main block .
24 About ten years ago the agriculture ministry , which runs the agency , made a half-hearted attempt to staunch its losses .
25 Ten years ago the record stood , or rather fell , at 35,000 .
26 Even ten years ago the notion of the nurse as the patient 's advocate had not been formally recognised , and the stress involved in being unable to act properly in the patient 's defence was almost enough to persuade me to give up altogether .
27 Even ten years ago the idea that English-speaking children should be educated completely in a foreign language for every subject , including science , without actual specific prior tuition or without reinforcement at home , would have been considered strange to say the least .
28 More than ten years ago the Barclay report rejected the idea of a general social work council , as it could find no consensus in favour .
29 About ten years ago the Hendersons gave the Los Angeles County Museum of Art a hoard of Korean ceramic shards from known kiln sites , but loaned no works from the collection .
30 Figure 10 Ten years ago the famous Hungarian neuro-anatomist Janos Szentagothai drew this picture of a section of cortex about 1 mm across .
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