Example sentences of "free for the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 On Thursday evening everyone wearing uniforms was admitted for half price and on Friday nights dancing was free for the RAF .
2 That would leave the bulk of the bag free for the plutonium 239 and the firing mechanism John had described .
3 We suffered the barbarities of the school régime and swore to live free for the rest of our lives ! ’
4 If someone said , you could go sk skiing free for the rest of your life , I 'd go .
5 Child care vouchers will be deductible expenses for the employers and tax free for the parents .
6 The pelvic floor needs to be free for the voice to be free and then a voice has both highs and lows .
7 The warden there , Sue Smith , lets us have the hall free for the event .
8 The people who make crackers on a Monday morning , we have moved to the other three days so that the Monday morning is free for the sewing .
9 Eliot remarked in another regard , ‘ No association is free for the man who wants to do a good job , ’ for the ‘ religious ’ man not least , and for a Cohen most of all .
10 This leaves the train free for the unbland minority .
11 Liverpool was taking a beating , and rumours were free for the asking on every street corner and in every food queue .
12 I 'd also like to suggest that as a goodwill gesture and a partial recompense for the inconvenience caused to Scorton residents Ribble should offer the service free for the month of August .
13 Introducing a two-day debate on the bill , he said it was firmly based on the principle of the NHS as a great public service , free for the patients , regardless of means , and financed out of taxation .
14 The Deaconess had lodged her cup against her bosom and was keeping her sword arm free for the cucumber sandwiches .
15 At five o'clock , after giving Faye a foot massage to stimulate circulation , Belinda was free for the evening , and the unfinished painting was put away in Faye 's studio at the back of the house to dry over the weekend .
16 ‘ Oh , by the way , tell him I 'll be free for the meeting on Tuesday of next week and that I 'm looking forward to it . ’
17 Attached to a belt , the holsters are convenient when working in difficult surroundings as they leave both hands free for the job .
18 She was free for the moment , but still terrified , for she knew Farquhar was awaiting Hector at Arivegaig …
19 185 Squadron now moved to Takali alongside the newly-arrived unit with its own remaining ten Mark Is and two Mark IIs , leaving Luqa and Hal Far free for the time being for use as staging airfields to Egypt , and as bases for the bombers and reconnaissance aircraft .
20 To help you get around there 's an air-conditioned hire car available FREE for the duration of your stay .
21 Billy Knowle held a chicken and mayonnaise sandwich in his mouth in order to leave both hands free for the report .
22 These lakes have never been landlord lakes — the fishing has always been free for the people .
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