Example sentences of "walk down a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 One night he was walking down a narrow , dark lane when suddenly , from behind a parked van , a huge man appeared .
2 There was a significant improvement on the other side of the viaduct , a Victorian class divide that had survived the years , and within two blocks he was walking down a tree-lined avenue composed of tall , detached houses set back from the road behind fair-sized gardens .
3 My sister came here and she said ‘ It 's like walking down a grave yard ’ .
4 One day , minding my own business as usual , I was walking down a busy main road in the afternoon when I saw a helmeted security guard standing outside a doorway .
5 Flanked by the two men , they walked down a wide marble staircase , and out into the brilliant sunshine .
6 Camille walked down a sleazy stretch of road , where half the shops were closing as the developers quadrupled the rents , and bought herself an ice-cream to take away the taste of margaritas : it was already midday , so she had only an hour or two before she could go home , claiming that her games lesson had been cancelled because someone had felled the netball posts .
7 Unlikely as it was that Richard Branson would ever have quite the impact on teenage sensibilities of Duran Duran , the days he could walk down a busy London street totally unrecognised were surely numbered .
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