Example sentences of "walk [adv prt] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But what about the little boy that was walking along with bottles of milk and to trying not spill any .
2 ‘ People were walking along with televisions , cameras , ghetto blasters absolutely anything they could carry . ’
3 Anyway , I had a purposeful shop yesterday walking along to REALFOODS where one can buy lentils , rice , chickpeas and an Aladdin 's Cave of wonderful other things from herbs to dates , apricots to honey and tea , nuts , spices and organic veg and yoghourt etc .
4 But added to that , I can well remember staying at Kettleborough Chequers erm and er walking along from Kettleborough to Brandeston erm th the very next morning after I 'd come here and I think it was before I think it was quite likely before we had we had actually met , I do n't know whether it was the first day or the second
5 Besides , the other girls were already walking along in pairs .
6 Christmas carolling and walking in to pubs .
7 The story is told that on 25 March 1242 a ‘ man of vile condition called Massaccio ’ was walking in Via Falcone having , it is said , just lost all of his latest ill-gotten gains — ‘ vile condition ’ is a euphemism for criminal — at a local gaming house .
8 The demonstrators bluffed their way into the headquarters of Anglian Water , in the Prime Minister John Major 's constituency town of Huntingdon , Cambridgeshire , by walking in behind staff with security cards .
9 The ten demonstrators bluffed their way into the headquarters of Anglian Water , in Huntingdon , Cambridgeshire ( the constituency of the Prime Minister , John Major ) , by walking in behind staff with security cards .
10 Walking over to Ashley he bent and dropped a kiss on the top of her head .
11 walking through with drugs .
12 Er it 's like kids or people walking through from Road to Road .
13 It was a gentle pull up Lovely Seat to the cairn , but again the June winds of our English summer were too cold for anything but a brief look over to Shunner and south to Dodd Fell and the distinct hump of Ingleborough before taking a compass bearing and walking off towards Hardraw .
14 ‘ When I was walking up to Keble Road yesterday I saw someone standing at the bus-stop outside St Giles ’ Church , waiting to get up to Summertown .
15 As I biked up St Giles ’ yesterday afternoon I passed one of the group walking up to North Oxford .
16 Stuart had been more aware of their existence this year , walking up to lectures at the university , going through the Grassmarket or the gardens , seeing drab figures squatting on the stone steps , or standing outside the hotel in the evening by the vents from the kitchen where the steam formed vapour clouds and it was possible to inhale the smell of food with the intensity of a drug .
17 This group is splendidly seen either by walking up through Lael Forest to the bare heights above or , without effort and indeed without leaving the car by proceeding six miles further along the A.835 from Braemore to Glascarnoch Reservoir , where the highest peaks are well displayed .
18 COHSE members coming out on strike because of their refusal to take a little boy into the theatre for an operation , pin-ups being removed from the Yorkshire miners ' newspaper , painkillers being laced with poison in the US , John Nott walking out on Robin Day in front of the TV cameras , Helmut Kohl taking over from ( crash ) Helmut Schmidt and public service pay rises being kept down to 3 ½ per cent , every single event being , in some eyes , a disaster .
19 Thus Billig and Cochrane ( 1984 ) report that during their research a white girl , who in discussions with them had expressed strongly racist views , was seen walking out of school arm in arm with an Asian girl .
20 As Desmond Gaskell 's son was walking out of Langstone village with his difficult load , Roger Forester was sitting in a hired car just outside another village some three hundred miles to the north .
21 The critically-ill youngster had been staying with various people after walking out of home following rows with her stepfather John .
22 WALKING out of movies is something I have done only four times in my career .
23 No , just walking out of English .
24 Walking out of English ? .
25 Genius is the bust of Beethoven and Keats dying and Shelley dying and the size of War and Peace and poor old Sartre banging away at his trilogy and Hemingway paring it down to its essence and Monet unable to distinguish colours any more and Picasso staring out at the camera with his chest bare and his eyes blazing and Cézanne snarling like a dog and then walking out of Aix with his canvas and paints on his back to paint that mountain and Byron dying and Pushkin dying and all the rest of it .
26 In Moscow a spokesman for Mr Khasbulatov , Mr Yeltsin 's main rival , said the Russian leader had acted emotionally in walking out of Congress .
27 Brenda was walking out with Gerald Bowlem , younger son of her father 's boss , and if that came off there 's no denying it would be a very satisfactory marriage .
28 Frivolity had no place in his life ; the days of genteelly walking out with Miss Groundwater , of falling , further back , upon the tinker woman were over .
29 Here Mr Malik stepped back with a flourish , and Robert found he was walking out in front of the whole school , his heart thumping , his mind a complete blank .
30 Walking back to happiness
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