Example sentences of "event of [art] day " in BNC.

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1 AS the weather causes chaos with the fixture list there are few betting propositions on offer , but the final event of the day at Nottingham this afternoon is worth waiting for .
2 The wrestling was to be the prize event of the day and several carriage loads had come across from Keswick and Cockermouth and even further to the small but picturesque meeting in the much lauded Buttermere .
3 The greatest event of the day was the lunch that every local family prepared .
4 Then down the hill to Marshbrook , and the great event of the day , the station at Craven Arms .
5 Le Palace presents a reconstruction of the events of a day , a night and the next morning during the Spanish Civil War , apparently in the mind of a student — into this narrative is imbricated the ‘ Récit de l'homme-fusil ’ by an Italian who has committed an assassination .
6 We pass so much judgement in our minds concerning the events of a day that we fail to see what is right under our noses .
7 This can be done in a variety of ways , but researchers are unanimous that it is essential to write up the events of a day before going to bed at night , or , at the very latest , the following morning .
8 So Sid and I sat just outside the trench discussing the events of the day , and swatting mosquitoes .
9 Although in the first war years the Party substantially cut down the number of meetings devoted to ‘ training ’ in ideological matters — which had never enjoyed much popularity — and concentrated in its regular work in the localities on trying to fulfil ‘ the popular demand for a more lively participation in the events of the day ’ , as one report put it , it was unable to build up much interest in Party work or to enhance the popularity of the local Party organizations .
10 It is unlikely that he made much money , but he had an activity and his shop was a meeting-place for other young men who dropped in to discuss the events of the day and to plan entertainments and visits for the evening .
11 That night they sat around the turf fires discussing the events of the day .
12 This is to help people whose minds wo n't switch off from the events of the day .
13 As they chatted and laughed about the events of the day they almost fell over Billy who was stretched out in the undergrowth snoozing with a contented grin on his face .
14 For a long time she lay , wide-eyed in the darkness , living over again the strange events of the day , until these thoughts and impressions gradually merged into dreams .
15 While Elizabeth sat and nursed little Edward , they discussed the events of the day .
16 He recalls in the book , that ‘ On Court 1 , one intrepid spectator … persuaded fellow spectators to play charades , while in the various Press rooms , another entirely different game was being played , as journalists from all over the world pondered how to fill acres of space available to record the most important events of the day ’ .
17 Tora ! is well in order , both to get a general feel for the events of the day and to regain an appreciation of the efforts expended to bring the saga to the wide screen .
18 It was something they both needed , a release from the events of the day .
19 The events of the day , trivial and unexciting , or the latest political scandal revealing another name to be added to the black list of those whose lives were made bearable by being well in with the Communists ?
20 I took him through the events of the day and in particular Graham Fearnley 's unpleasant tale of how Martinez had fixed the Curtis/Marsh contracts .
21 On the matter of the notorious and failed rescue attempts certainly so ; and the events of the day , 28 March 1979 , on which the article appeared add point to the conclusion , That day , the Labour Government led by Mr James Callaghan was defeated by one vote .
22 The media influences how we see ourselves and our society and not just the events of the day .
23 This is a time to catch up on urgent paperwork and swap stories with colleagues about the events of the day .
24 Over and over the events of the day I go , vainly searching for where I went wrong …
25 She sat and thought about the events of the day .
26 The events of the day had tired Alexei beyond belief .
27 She wanted above all else to sleep and blot out the terrifying events of the day .
28 Rain feared they had drifted so-far into the events of the day of the murder that she would never draw him back to other matters .
29 On hearing the doorbell , the Commander 's reaction was affected by the events of the day and the matter they had just been so emotionally discussing : irrationally , he believed he was being visited by the police .
30 In fact he had fully intended to wait for a suitable moonlit warm right , but the trying events of the day had put him so out of sorts that he could stand the waiting no longer .
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