Example sentences of "shall be [v-ing] at " in BNC.

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1 In this chapter we shall be looking at how this particular group of people might view and understand what is being offered to them by the church at the time of a major bereavement .
2 We shall be looking at the process of registering a death in chapter 11 .
3 A goalkeeper does not ‘ perform ’ his function in its theatrical sense , only in the sociological usage of ‘ perform ’ which we shall be looking at further in the next chapter .
4 Later we shall be looking at ways in which a teacher might deal with this problem .
5 Over the next few days I shall be looking at the Activity Book and Video Guide again in detail with our designer Phil Hall and then , with the stills from Michael Keefe , shall be able to send you a revised schedule .
6 Although we shall be looking at ‘ spiritual direction ’ in its narrower Christian connotation , we need to see it is also relevant to the wider contemporary scene where people are seeking both spirituality and direction .
7 Apart from the ‘ flying ’ siddhi , the remainder are psychic gifts and we shall be looking at this area in the next two chapters .
8 Next week we shall be looking at the impact these methods of delivering care have upon such varied areas of our professional life as advocacy , ethics , accountability and assertiveness .
9 Simply to like or dislike , be attracted or repelled , feel pleasure or pain , involves a quickening or a shrinking from awareness , a point which we shall be looking at more closely in the chapter Awareness and pleasure .
10 Later , we shall be looking at the actual transfer of the pattern , which is relatively simple .
11 We shall be looking at that range in a future issue .
12 In this chapter we shall be looking at the range of sexual opinions , ideas and practices in Britain today : for the most part , it must be expected , broadly similar among the majority of our fellow countrymen but extending widely beyond these broad norms in many individuals or groups .
13 We shall be looking at this point more closely later , but for the moment it is sufficient to point out that the gift of the Spirit at Pentecost to all believers without distinction fulfilled one further hope of the prophets of old .
14 We shall be looking at both these important functions of the Holy Spirit in the next two chapters .
15 We are already well located to respond to any urgent needs , but we shall be looking at further locations , possibly in the Far East and China , to address the requirements of this rapid growth area .
16 I shall be looking at the relative learnability of conjunctive and disjunctive concepts across age , using block-sorting and discrimination-learning tasks .
17 None the less , it is necessary to point out that there have been a number of attempts to develop what might be called , " theories of data " , that is to specify what can count as suitable data for scientific disciplines : some of these we shall be looking at in this book .
18 Some of this we shall be looking at in this chapter .
19 In particular we shall be looking at three types of solution : gases in liquids , liquids in liquids , solids in liquids .
20 I think what we actually want is more people who are more in tune with working people and their hopes , and their dreams and their aspirations , and tha in , in parliament , in the House of Commons than we 've got at the moment and so the motion I 'm putting forward which is to propose that we actually look at the Parliamentary Panel and make sure we get a few decent shop stewards in the House of Commons , a few people who got experience of actually being on the shop floor , a few people who got experience in the last fourteen years , that the last four Conservative governments have actually tried and defend and fight for the interests of working people right down the grass root , those are the people that we actually need in the House of Commons and we shall be looking at our Parliamentary Panel and we shall be looking at it very seriously to ensure that we get those sort of people onto that Parliamentary Panel and those sort of people into the House of Commons , that 's the best way to represent working people in Britain today and that 's the sort of contribution the G M B should be making .
21 I think what we actually want is more people who are more in tune with working people and their hopes , and their dreams and their aspirations , and tha in , in parliament , in the House of Commons than we 've got at the moment and so the motion I 'm putting forward which is to propose that we actually look at the Parliamentary Panel and make sure we get a few decent shop stewards in the House of Commons , a few people who got experience of actually being on the shop floor , a few people who got experience in the last fourteen years , that the last four Conservative governments have actually tried and defend and fight for the interests of working people right down the grass root , those are the people that we actually need in the House of Commons and we shall be looking at our Parliamentary Panel and we shall be looking at it very seriously to ensure that we get those sort of people onto that Parliamentary Panel and those sort of people into the House of Commons , that 's the best way to represent working people in Britain today and that 's the sort of contribution the G M B should be making .
22 In which we shall be looking at , er another famous figure , but , but , er an even more remote and one , some people might say , mytho mythological one , namely Moses .
23 Schofield said : ‘ I shall be looking at all the press cuttings when I get home and deciding what action to take .
24 Next week I shall be looking at applications of computers
25 In the next few weeks , I shall be looking at all aspects of the computer world .
26 Next week we 're going to start a new twelve part series on opportunities in education , in which we shall be looking at various aspects of schools today .
27 Well , this is certainly one of the things that we shall be looking at .
28 So yes , the answer to your question is , we shall be looking at the curriculum as a whole , and at its various parts .
29 So yes , we shall be looking at erm those sort of matters .
30 Next Sunday we shall be looking at another live education issue .
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