Example sentences of "shall in [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In verse 27 we also learn this concerning those who will share eternity with Christ ‘ there shall in no wise enter into it any thing that defileth neither whatsoever worketh abomination or maketh a lie . ’
2 These conventional rules all have one ultimate object : ‘ Their end is to secure that Parliament , or the Cabinet which is indirectly appointed by Parliament , shall in the long run give effect to the will of the power which in modern England is the true political sovereign of the State — the majority of electors or … the nation . ’
3 Their end is to secure that Parliament , or the cabinet which is indirectly appointed by Parliament , shall in the long run give effect to the will of that power which in England is the true political sovereign of the state — the majority of the electors . "
4 A candidate using or attempting to use unfair means in an examination or other form of assessment shall in the first instance be reported to the Secretary of the University .
5 12.1 In the event of any dispute or difference arising between any of the Parties concerning this Agreement or the construction or performance thereof , such dispute or difference shall in the first instance be referred to the Project Manager whose decision shall be final and binding on the Parties unless with 14 days after such decision any one of the Parties shall have notified the others of his dissatisfaction with such decision .
6 Hence not all directions for a given link are permissible although we shall in the first instance assume that they are , that is , that a chain can pass through itself .
7 But JUSt as it IS proper for me to look back to my wedding day as assurance that I am really married , so it is proper to look back to my baptism as a mark given me by the Holy Spirit that I am really born again in Christ , and to the eucharist as a pledge that I do partake of his life , feed on him , and shall in the last day share his resurrection .
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