Example sentences of "draw [adv] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 Bernice could see Legion 's body splitting into a firework display of multi-coloured fronds , and slowly drawing together into a hairy black ovoid supported by three pipe-cleaner legs .
2 Air and earth , she told herself again , her brows drawing together in a grimace .
3 Tamar 's brows drew together in a frown .
4 Jonadab 's lips set in a straight line and his brows drew together in a frown .
5 Madeleine 's brows drew together in a scowl .
6 His eyebrows drew together in a frown .
7 His brows drew together in a sudden spasm of irritation .
8 Luke 's eyebrows drew together in a thunderous bar .
9 Her brows drew together in a formidable frown .
10 His brows drew together in a frown .
11 The cars drew up for a quiet haggle , the girls got in .
12 They were closed , but just beyond them he cut the engine and drew up to a short flight of steps with a small studded door at the top .
13 They drew up with a rasp of gravel just behind the trailer , and Sergeant Allen 's head popped out as if on a string .
14 There was something in the speed , as they rounded corners on two wheels , that shook her out of her bad mood , and when they drew up with a squeal of brakes in the narrow road just by Pepe 's Bar , she was laughing at Miguel 's uncharacteristic recklessness .
15 Outside its gate a battered estate-car was parked ; Maud drew up at a distance , and together they walked in .
16 A few minutes later we drew up at a big concrete building which the officer told me was the town jail but which seemed to be a large Luftwaffe barracks .
17 Finally , worn out by her own thoughts and the strain of the last few hours , she drew up at a small country hotel and took a room there for the night .
18 Across the road a bus drew up at a stop .
19 We drew up outside a building which was surrounded by a walled courtyard .
20 We drove on to the top of the road and drew up outside a compound surrounded by a wire fence ; inside was a large white building surrounded by an expanse of gravel on which a huge group of people were drawn up in lines .
21 The car drew up outside a pair of high white gates .
22 Tolby drew up outside a newsagent 's .
23 The cab drew up outside an enormous emporium in the very heart of the town , and Ellie alighted while Madame paid off the cab .
24 Luke was silent until he drew up outside an imposingly formal grey stone house , then as he switched off the ignition he said , in tones of mock-comfort , ‘ Brace up , Merrill .
25 We drew up in a tiny village called Pontrobert in Powys — a particularly beautiful part of mid-Wales .
26 Outside in the war-torn street , Special Forces vehicles drew up in an uncompromising line .
27 She turned in , then felt her nerves flutter as she drew up before a timber-built single-storeyed house which was backed by several small chalet-type huts , while behind them were numerous sheds .
28 Once , at Lisson Grove , their car drew up alongside a rather battered Ford Cortina .
29 They 'd dived , you see , but eventually they had to surface — the air must 've been getting bad — and up they came , drew nearly alongside a German destroyer the pack had left behind when they called off the hunt , waiting there , just in case Taureg surfaced .
30 Fael-Inis regarded the Lad quite coolly , and at length he said in an amused voice , ‘ So , jackal , we face one another again , and fight for a soul , ’ and the Lad drew back with a snarl , his eyes showing red .
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