Example sentences of "draw [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 UNCITRAL likewise engages in widespread consultation , drawing widely on the expertise of practising specialists .
2 Now , drawing vigorously with the back end of the brush I picked out the light sides of the foreground waves .
3 I would argue , however , that love-making ought not to be treated as drawing only on the irrational side of a person 's nature .
4 It was a gabled Victorian house set behind a high red brick wall in the heart of the city and as Rachel drew on to the gravel forecourt she sat for a moment admiring the mass of copper beeches that surrounded the house .
5 But as they drew deeper into the coppice , moving farther east all the while , she began to fear they would leave her entirely behind .
6 The philanthropist Helen Bosanquet drew eagerly on the work of the French sociologist Frederick Le Play to argue that the ‘ stable family ’ with its male breadwinner was ‘ the only known way of ensuring with any approach to success , that one generation will exert itself in the interests and for the sake of another ’ .
7 The coach drew in outside the Thamesside theatre and disgorged us .
8 We gazed enraptured at the city of Bath from the train as it drew in to the station — it was all laid out on the slopes of Lansdown like an aerial map of a moon landscape .
9 A black cab drew in to the pavement a few yards ahead of them .
10 When I saw the next auberge coming up , I drew in to the side of the road , put on my raincoat , and walked along to it .
11 At the next intersection he drew in against the left-hand wall , peering around the corner into the corridor to his left .
12 When she finally drew in behind the charcoal BMW on the road to Drogheda , she brandished the plastic bag and gestured — lead me on !
13 They drew down to the back of the hummock which remained an ivy-grown tump until they were within a few paces and could see rough-hewn timber planks behind it .
14 Rex took a deep breath , sprang out from hiding and drew down upon the boy in the business suit .
15 Gradually the ILP and the Communist Party drew together into the United Front .
16 When botanising abroad Mark Catesby also appreciated the value of records made while on expeditions , and he drew much in the field for his Natural History of Carolina , Florida and the Bahama Islands ( 1730–47 ) .
17 As they drew away into the darkness , Joshua Cohen stood and looked after them .
18 The wash of waves on the pebbled beach , the crying and calling of the wheeling gulls , the silver chain of sound from a lark above the cliff-top , and , as a final coda , the distant , breathy note of the ferry 's siren as she drew away towards the west .
19 She drew away to the balcony over the lobby , feeling incapable , looking down at the bawling men in dinner jackets far below and the women with stiff hair .
20 The Hercules banked , drew away from the pool of light , then back into the merciful , all concealing blackness .
21 The driver closed the door behind him and moments later the car drew away from the road-block , heading south .
22 At the sound of her mother 's voice , faint but even at this distance still accusing , away down there on the snow-covered lawn , Alexandra drew away from the window into the shadows of the room behind .
23 As it drew away from the Communists , the ILP leadership became more sympathetic to the Labour Party which was also criticizing the Popular Front for its inclusion of non-socialists .
24 Ralph listened and drew away from the escalator .
25 A tall , dark figure who had no pole moved amongst them issuing commands , and slowly the flatboat drew over to the bank .
26 He drew deeply on the cigarette — hand-rolled , Matthew could not help noticing and hoped no-one else had — in his holder .
27 He drew deeply on the cigarette and stared out at the darkening sea .
28 The light of water showed through the tree trunks as they drew close to the narrow wood along the lake but once on the fringe of the trees they lost all resentment at the sight of the thick floor of bluebells beneath the trees .
29 Even Sheila grew a little afraid as they drew close to the house .
30 The ferry drew close to the bank and the crowd surged forward .
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