Example sentences of "return to school [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But for our last point we had to rely on being half-right about two issues : we rightly predicted a Common Market between the US and Canada — but wrongly thought it would also include Mexico and Venezuela ; and we predicted that unemployment would rise sharply in the West , causing more flexible working patterns — but were over-optimistic about the implications , seeing masses of people returning to school in middle life and then starting a new career .
2 Mrs Elsie Morgan had travelled on the train on her honeymoon in 1920 ; Lady More recalled some of Sir Jasper 's memories ; Colonel Sykes remembered that , as a boy , the engine driver used to allow him to drive the train when he returned to school at the beginning of term ; and Mrs Lucy Hemmings had regularly tested the milk carried by the train for the Creamery .
3 ‘ It did n't really sink in what I had done until I returned to school on the Monday morning and saw all the television cameras waiting for me at the gates , ’ says Dozzell .
4 Impressed by the Boy Scouts he had encountered , Mr. Shaw resolved to start a troop at his school , and when the pupils returned to school after the summer holidays in August 1910 , the Royal Cross School Troop was formed , followed shortly afterwards by the Royal Cross School Guides Troop .
5 I returned to school in mid-September firmly persuaded that farming was the essential life of the countryside .
6 When pupils return to school from the Delphi unit it is because the pupils themselves wish to ( in Roger 's words ‘ the problem solves itself ’ ) or because the staff are anxious to ‘ relieve the pressure ’ in the unit rather than as part of a scheduled policy of reintegration .
7 The young person who , unfortunately , reaches the age of 16 after July 2 has now to return to school for another year and will be almost 17 years of age whenever they leave .
8 We used to return to school at half-past one in the afternoons and precisely at 1.32p.m .
9 She would be able to return to school within 2 or weeks , but would be advised not to take part in any sports for several weeks after that .
10 He had been called up briefly in 1940 , and had not been returned to School for very long before his death , which came as a great shock .
11 And more than thirty children have returned to school after a three day break caused by a shortage of teachers .
12 After the children returned to school in mid-August there came haymaking and harvesting the oats .
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