Example sentences of "return to [art] house " in BNC.

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1 Her younger brother was sent by Teresa later in the day to say she would not be returning to a house where a dangerous lunatic lived and no one could expect her to — she would rather forfeit that week 's wages than wait long enough to give notice .
2 Lorenzo with his Jessica await the return of Portia , remaining out in the still night rather than returning to the house .
3 I was returning to the house with a mixing drum when I heard the crash .
4 ‘ And you saw nothing either going or returning to the house which seemed suspicious or even unusual ? ’
5 She had no intention of returning to the house in a hurry .
6 George , returning to the house rather earlier than he might have expected , put his head under the cold tap and let the delicious water course over him .
7 The Cardiff Bay Barrage Bill , which affects my constituency and is returning to the House for the third time , now has an EIS which has been published and is freely available to the hon. Members in the Vote Office .
8 After all , the Minister is always returning to the House to tell us what a wonderful deal he has got for the British farmer and consumer .
9 She must have taken the letter straight to a photocopy shop after collecting it from the skip and then posted the copy to Zen before returning to the house , calculating that if the copy came to light each of the Milettis would equally be under suspicion .
10 His mother , who had spent longer with him in the garden than usual that day , led him into the sitting room when they returned to the house .
11 When I felt able , I returned to the house where Lem , the embalmer 's brother , gave me all the particulars he had of the accident and suggested the police department would have any further details .
12 Leaving the engine running , he then returned to the house to collect his executive briefcase and other relevant impedimenta .
13 The next day , he returned to the house with Louise .
14 He returned to the house in St-Cloud late one night in 1954 , hollow with exhaustion .
15 They returned to the house in Normandy and one weekend , just for the excitement of it , camped outside , making a fire on the beach , cooking their own supper , and burning it .
16 She returned to the house at Sutton in Ashfield , Notts , where she was supposed to be babysitting .
17 Dad returned to the house but I remained to watch her , seated now erect and looking proud , whip in one hand and reins in the other , for all the world the expert driver as she prepared to move off .
18 Then we returned to the house .
19 From the time she returned to the house , both Aggie and Ben ate better , lived more comfortably and were happier .
20 For three days running she returned to the house at the same time .
21 They returned to the house , keeping close together and trying to look brave .
22 He had come down to the gallery to join the houseparty , he thought simply to look at a new sculpture , before they all returned to the house for luncheon .
23 When they returned to the house , they went into Emma 's flat .
24 When she returned to the house , she found everything as they had left it and the fire still burning .
25 She would go with Julius — and by the time they returned to the house she would know if they were going to part as friends or enemies .
26 After this she returned to the house hoping against hope that in the interval her daughter might have returned , but there was no sign of her .
27 Today , when I returned to the house , Denis said : ‘ Jack rang .
28 It was after ten o'clock , and almost completely dark , when Harold and Felicity returned to the house .
29 He was lounging on the sofa when she returned to the house , his long legs propped up on a low onyx table , while he flicked his way desultorily through the pages of a paperback .
30 When she returned to the house in late afternoon , Ellie 's determination to put a few pertinent questions to Mrs McMahon and then leave was thwarted — deliberately , probably — by Feargal , who was with his mother in the lounge .
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