Example sentences of "department [noun sg] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 Dropped from the bill was the proposal presented on Oct. 31 by Democrats Les Aspin ( Wisconsin ) and Sam Nunn ( Georgia ) , respective chairmen of the House and Senate armed services committees , to divert $1,000 million from the Defence Department budget to help the Soviet Union combat hunger and demilitarize its economy .
2 Each department head has the support of several junior ministers , known as ministers of state or under-secretaries , who may take on particular responsibilities for specific policy areas .
3 Where the high-bay warehouse is part of an overall local storage and distribution unit to service a manufacturing or processing division on the same site , or where for instance it is sited in the middle of a department store to supply the selling floors , the fundamental principle of ‘ containment ’ of the risk and isolation of the volume from the adjacent areas will be the paramount consideration .
4 Last night a department spokesman said the charities ‘ appeared to be right ’ in their claims although some other beds had been temporarily provided .
5 But the department spokesman said the money should come from a community care grant to local authorities for the mentally ill .
6 A US State Department spokesman said the USA was " very disappointed " .
7 The Justice Department report exonerates the F B I .
8 I learnt that Roy Hattersley and Gwyneth Dunwoody , who spoke for the Opposition on health , had claimed at Labour 's morning press conference that they had a ‘ leaked ’ copy of a secret Health Department report planning the privatization of the service .
9 A US State Department official described the meeting as " a step in the direction of normalization of relations " .
10 It has been placed by the London Implementation Group , a health department unit co-ordinating the London shake-up .
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