Example sentences of "sell him the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The Leasehold Reform Act 1967 for the first time introduces leasehold enfranchisement , whereby a lessee is entitled to compel his lessor to sell him the freehold upon payment of compensation on a scale fixed by the Act .
2 He sued Jax Liquor Store for selling him the booze .
3 Equally , when Bishop Æthelstan of Hereford was involved in litigation over an estate in Cnut 's time , it was ordered ( S 1460 ) that the boundaries be retraced , and this the bishop did together with the man who had sold him the land and the witnesses .
4 Earlier that year he had met a merchant from London who had money to spare and was looking for a likely speculation and Harry , being in the right place at the right time for once , had sold him the idea of investing in a privateering cruise to the Americas .
5 With that instinct for survival that had kept the Member for Arden in Parliament for so long , Grunte had sold him the car at a nil rate of interest .
6 ‘ Tell young d'Urberville I 'll sell him the title , yes , sell it , at a reasonable price . ’
7 But instead of setting about matters in a straightforward way and asking Marko if he would sell him the ram , or let him have it as a gift-which Marko might well have done , for he was a good-natured young man-the king asked the advice of his prime minister Milosu , who was Marko 's uncle .
8 Should she sell him the house and take the first flight back to England ? she wondered .
9 He thought he 'd find a rich one and sell him the cross for a good price .
10 Should she do a U-turn and sell him the house ? she wondered .
11 I called on the editor and sold him the idea that I should write the feature on my province ‘ Saskatchewan ’ , which I did , thus earning $30. towards the expenses of my Vancouver holiday .
12 The employer will have a contract with the person who sold him the equipment and will probably be able to recoup his losses through a contract action .
13 I sold him the car did n't I ?
14 Yeah Geoff sold him the car
15 Then the butcher goes to the church to take leave of the priest , and as a token of his gratitude sells him the sheepskin at a knock-down price of two sous .
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