Example sentences of "hope for in the " in BNC.

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1 Spices suited this situation very well : they had a high value in proportion to their weight , they could not be produced in Europe , and they were always valued by rich people who used them to mask the taste of the not-too-well preserved meat which was the best that anyone could hope for in the winter .
2 But there is not much he can really hope for in the present elections .
3 You could also erm , start to recognize the benefit of the rural sector , and one reason why they were discriminating , L D Cs tended to want to ignore that and sort of shun it , because it 's not sort of a glamorous image they were trying to hope for in the urban sector , and , so , if they did help them , say give them units , like the repair men , units to work in , and they put them in really totally crappy accommodation , and up not where you need it , and not where people pass by with their motors and things , they , they 'd put them somewhere up on a hill , overlooking a city , so erm , to encourage the informal sector by erm , sort of on a par with the formal sector because erm , their inter- reacting , inter-relating now , like they 're providing cheap inputs for the formal industries and , and the formal industries are pro providing clientele all for the informal sector , and so it 's all inter-linked and , and it 's there now .
4 Moreover , in the light of the Americans ' deep-seated anti-colonialism , neutrality was the most that could be hoped for in the problems that would face Britain in converting her Empire into the Commonwealth at a prudent and realistic pace .
5 He began to ask me what the realities were of his medical situation and his prognosis — what could be hoped for in the best of circumstances .
6 It was everything that Burton could have hoped for in the West End at that time .
7 The goal was to implant " standard " English forms ( linguistic and cultural ) by inculcating a " love " of literature ( the most that might be hoped for in the elementary sector ) .71 Within the higher sectors ( preparatory , secondary , grammar , and public schools , as well as colleges of various kinds ) the aim was much broader .
8 In the years of sharp pruning of public-sector expenditure , and at a time when a comprehensive housing programme embracing improvement , clearance , redevelopment and new building lay beyond the grasp of the Ministry of Health , the most that could be hoped for in the 1920s was the amelioration of a small number of the worst houses .
9 She was afraid he would ask her about herself and to forestall this she asked him to tell her about his training and what he hoped for in the future .
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