Example sentences of "support and [noun sg] for " in BNC.

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1 Certainly small business , through its close connections with the ruling LDP party , has lobbied for a shift in the established policies of support and protection for big business .
2 3 Support The right of support and protection for the benefit of the Premises as is now enjoyed from all other parts of the Centre It is suggested that this right strengthens the landlord 's covenant for quiet enjoyment , and the only question is as to whether to extend it to include 'shelter " , but this is probably unnecessary .
3 It means that um particularly in therapy it can be very difficult later on because things that we would ordinarily consider to be supportive like being kind , like erm y'know kind of putting a comforting arm round somebody 's shoulders , like erm y'know ways in which people express support and affection for each-other ah are very very difficult for the survivor to accept because they 're sort of the part of the way in which she , and it usually is a she , has been abused in the past .
4 The support and development for the organiser service within the region .
5 There 's been a recent H M Is report , which has asked some questions about mixed ability teaching and expressed some worries about those teachers who perhaps do n't have the adequate support and preparation for mixed ability teaching , but they 're certainly not against it , or the H M Is are certainly not against mixed ability teaching .
6 There has been a recent H M I report which has asked some questions about mixed ability teaching and expressed some worries about those teachers who perhaps do n't have the adequate support and preparation for mixed ability teaching , but they are certainly not against it , or the H M I is certainly not against mixed ability teaching .
7 During the talks with MITI they described plans completed only the previous day for their future programme of support and promotion for open systems .
8 The prospect of a coalition government led by the Japan Socialist Party ( JSP ) resulted in increased financial support and funding for the LDP from the business community , the Economist of Dec. 23 , 1989 , reported that , in a bid to ward off a possible LDP defeat , 13 national and commercial banks had provided US$104,000,000 in emergency finance to the LDP 's electoral campaign funds , repayable at 1 per cent over the prime rate .
9 Mr John Prescott , the Labour transport spokesman , said BR would lose £3.5 billion of public support by 1993 , which would leave it at the bottom of the international league for support and top for fares .
10 There was little doubt that tactical support and reconnaissance for the land battle would still need piloted machines .
11 Good Neighbours , Darby and Joan and the day centre at Horrox Court provide regular support and entertainment for the older villagers .
12 Erm , I would like to propose , I 'm not sure correct form , that we minute this council 's support and appreciation for the work of the county archivist , rather than just note the report .
13 The grant is to be used by the Lord 's Taverners to continue their support and encouragement for young cricketers in state schools .
14 George Boole 's father had been curator of the Lincoln Mechanics ' Institute when Bromhead was president , and the connection led to the latter 's support and encouragement for the younger Boole , to whom he lent mathematical books .
15 time and money to help researchers , as well as support and recognition for the research
16 The NCCED and the other organisations listed on pages 145–7 offer support and counselling for a woman who has spent the whole of her life caring for parents or a relative who has died .
17 In such cases , support and counselling for the parents and child will help in managing the situation or minimising its effect ; it may take hard work and not a little courage to help a resisting parent to recognise his or her element of incestuous involvement , but such a course can pay dividends in terms of family stability .
18 We need your continuing support and interest for the future of your Society .
19 However , there is light at the end of the tunnel according to Aware , an organisation that was set up in to help provide support and information for sufferers and their families .
20 ABC provides what is required in terms of synergy , technical support and security for the staff ;
21 However , there were others , more distinctively local in their orientation : the gradual demise of the traditional two-tier model of primary school management and its replacement by three-tier and matrix models ; the desirability of building on the diversification of staff management roles which PNP has produced , avoiding any contraction of such roles as a consequence of LMS ; the need to acknowledge the pivotal role , for good or ill , played by primary heads , and to work with and through rather than round or against them ; the need to expand the focus of management training courses to encompass the roles and needs of all staff ( not just those of the ‘ managers ’ as conventionally defined ) , to locate management strategies in whole-school analysis , and generally to broaden the concept of ‘ management ’ which currently informs such courses ; the importance of training , support and INSET for heads , and of ensuring that these give close attention to the broader aspects of the expertise needed for headship , such as professional knowledge and personal relationships as well as the more obvious tasks , roles and strategies .
22 Their work comprises the provision of direct advice services to claimants , including casework and tribunal representation , the promotion of benefits through campaigns , publicity and work with local groups , support and training for other advice givers , both among council staff and in the voluntary sector , and influencing the policy and practice of public agencies .
23 I do not blame the Opposition for not understanding the issues as fully as we might hope , but , given their new-found support and desire for everything European , I thought that they might have developed a better understanding .
24 There are now over 20 CABx working in hospitals , providing independent confidential support and advice for patients , staff and relatives .
25 Cut-outs and templates for the projects and craft activities are all provided , together with full support and advice for the teacher .
26 Should they be the main source of more specialist support and advice for community carers of all types ?
27 The National Asthma Campaign , 300 Upper Street , Islington , London N1 2XX , offers lots of support and advice for asthma sufferers and their families .
28 increased financial support and advice for adult applicants targeted at those experiencing financial difficulties .
29 Women 's Aid : provides advice , support and accommodation for abused women and children .
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