Example sentences of "die a few [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 It was a time of great personal sadness ; his first wife had died in 1927 ; he had married Katherine Harrower-Peters the following year , but she too had died a few months later in an influenza epidemic .
2 Coffey died in Bromley , Middlesex , 26 November 1852 , his eldest son Aeneas having died a few months earlier .
3 The programme concluded with a snatch of birdsong , a low trill , repeated several times before dwindling into silence ; this , the presenter announced , was the song of the dusky seaside sparrow , a species of which the last survivor had died a few days before in its aviary at Disney World in Florida .
4 Did he know he would die a few years later ?
5 When put to bed he appeared nearly lifeless and died a few hours after . ’ )
6 Victor Frankenstein died a few hours after he had written his last word .
7 When the girl 's parents denied the engagement , the boy was beaten unconscious and died a few hours later in hospital .
8 After they left , the victim became ill and was taken to hospital where she died a few hours later .
9 Police believe he died a few hours after he was abducted .
10 Until she died a few years ago , a wise woman lived there , a strange being who wore outlandish brightly-coloured clothes and had feathers in her hair .
11 Horacio Bento Gouveia 's writings include romantic novels set in Madeira and , although he died a few years ago now , he remains the best known of Madeiran writers .
12 I used to work with him in my mother 's shop — he worked there for twenty-five years , until he died a few years ago .
13 Dad died a few years before that — I 'm not sure when .
14 CATHERINE No , she died a few years ago .
15 He died a few years back did n't he ?
16 But it 's the fact that the guy gave erm , my friend Billy , erm , died a few years ago , erm , but they , they were like best mates and they used to ju just encourage each other to like , jump on a train and come up to London , and start going in all the hospitals and praying for the sick and things like that .
17 When the Bohemian king , Wenceslas IV , heard of the revolt , he was seized by an epileptic fit and died a few days later .
18 In June 1183 , the Young King fell victim to a sudden attack of dysentery and died a few days later .
19 She died a few days later .
20 When he died a few days later Philip called off the invasion .
21 Hervey probably died a few days before 7 February 1277 .
22 Laurence del Brok probably died a few days before 25 December 1274 .
23 The stranger fell ill and died a few days later .
24 I was adopted when my own mother died a few days after I was born .
25 There was a pause , as if he was controlling his rage , before he answered , ‘ He died a few days after you left him . ’
26 They had already recorded a performance for a television talent show , but died a few days before it was broadcast .
27 Mr James , a former University Scout , died a few days later .
28 He died a few days after peace had been declared .
29 When Louis died a few months later , Thibaut aligned with a league of dissident barons who opposed the regent of France , Louis 's widow Blanche of Castile , but he soon abandoned the barons and reconciled himself with Blanche .
30 The world of dance has lost to AIDS not only its two biggest stars of the modern era , Rudolf Nureyev and Jorge Donn , but also many less well-known talents ; they include a French choreographer , Dominique Bagouet , who died a few months ago in his early 30s .
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