Example sentences of "committee [verb] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 On 27 January , three days after the official launching , the National Executive Committee disaffiliated the Socialist League , making it " ineligible for affiliation " two months later .
2 A three-man committee ruled the 9-1 result of the first-round replay was ‘ significantly influenced ’ when Kinstonian keeper Adrian Blake was hit by a missile .
3 The housing committee agreed the across-the-board increases on Thursday .
4 The national executive committee agreed the following day that an electoral conference would be held on July 18 .
5 The Select Committee recommended the first course and said that the life sentence should be interpreted and administered in the same way as the sentence to which a reprieved murderer is subject at present .
6 The committee recommended the following :
7 The Civil Aviation Committee met the next day and challenged two parts of the draft agreement that the Americans had inserted : the right of civil aircraft to use the US-leased bases in the Caribbean and Atlantic , and the right of US airlines to ‘ change gauge ’ in Britain , that is , switch to smaller aircraft for flights going on as part of the fifth freedom .
8 These now formed , with the former king , a three-man invasion committee to plan the military operations while shipyards from Brittany to Provence , and factories in Toulon and Brest , were turning out the shipping , munitions , clothing and harness needed .
9 In 1936 he served on the committee organizing the spectacular international surrealist exhibition in London , and in 1937 he was involved with Tom Harrisson [ q.v. ] and Charles Madge in founding Mass Observation .
10 The Non-Executive Committee has the sole power to appoint and remove the Chairman and any Vice-Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the Board , to determine their period of office , and to fix their remuneration and that of any executive Director of the Company .
11 Betty Syrett the Teachers ' Representative on the Executive Committee has the following area representatives through whom comments , complaints , requests etc relating to teaching , training and Medau interests in general can channelled .
12 As in the ECSC , the two executives were to be supported and supplemented by a consultative committee representing the several national interest groups .
13 The only exception is the US PGA Championship , whose committee invited the top 50 from the Sony Rankings and must be applauded for doing so .
14 The Robinson Committee reviewed the historical background to the remuneration of councillors : The 1948 Act established two new principles : council members should be eligible to receive payments for loss of earnings or necessary expenses ; and these payments should relate to the performance of ‘ approved duties ’ .
15 When the County Planning Committee considered the western relief road on the third of March nineteen ninety two , they resolved that a western relief road for Harrogate was environmentally unacceptable , that the Harrogate and Knaresborough southern bypass used in conjunction with the proposed A one motorway should be seen as the preferred route for north bound traffic originating to the south of Harrogate , and that the ultimate selection and implementation of a relief road for Harrogate and Knaresborough should be part of a package of measures for solving the problem of urban congestion and improving the quality of the urban environment .
16 The Science and Technology Directorate recently set up a science and technology committee to replace the Cefic R&D committee .
17 Meeting on Dec. 20 , 1989 , the NPC Standing Committee approved the Organic Law of the Urban Neighbourhood Committees , the Environment Protection Law and the Urban Planning Law .
18 Jean Parmiter reported that she has been asked by the Executive Committee to organise the Annual Reunion on 29th November .
19 Jean Parmiter reported that she has been asked by the Executive Committee to organise the Annual Reunion on 29th November .
20 The PNC elects a Central Council and an Executive Committee to administer the day-to-day running of the organization .
21 The releases could be part of China 's bid to sway the International Olympic Committee to award the 2000 Olympics to Beijing , which has made clear it will do anything to win the Games .
22 The Committee welcomed the prevailing willingness to include transport for people with disabilities as an optional topic in most transport courses , and at major seminars such as the PTRC Summer Annual Meeting .
23 Nowadays it means that Mr Morris chairs the House when Chancellor Norman Lamont delivers his budget … and he also presides when the House goes into committee to discuss the detailed budget legislation .
24 Nowadays it means that Mr Morris chairs the House when Chancellor Norman Lamont delivers his budget … and he also presides when the House goes into committee to discuss the detailed budget legislation .
25 Five members of this Committee joined the Central Authority under Citrine 's chairmanship when the Bill received the royal assent in September of the same year .
26 UEFA 's control and disciplinary committee fined the Greek club £62,500 and the Spanish visitors nearly £35,000 .
27 The Conservative Party were willing to accept a corporate structure based upon the chief officers ' team : the Labour Party wanted the locus of corporate power to rest in a strong policy committee emphasising the practical as well as formal power of the councillors .
28 The committee criticises the governmental attitude of allowing market forces to resolve the problem as " a dangerous complacency …
29 The CGI nominates a negotiating committee to negotiate the annual ( or bi-annual ) convenios covering pay and a wide variety of conditions .
30 The Committee arranges the daily timetables , ensuring that all women are in the building by 8 pm. and in their bedrooms with the lights out at 10 p.m .
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