Example sentences of "committee [vb pp] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The Widdicombe Committee distinguished between senior officers who advise on policy and who should ‘ command the respect and trust of all political parties ’ ( Widdicombe 1986:161 ) and other employees .
2 There they were welcomed by the Rev W B Sleight who , after prayers , in his capacity as chairman of the steering committee explained to all present the matters agreed by the committee and the detailed provisions of the proposed constitution .
3 The Serious Fraud Office ( SFO ) was set up under the 1987 Criminal Justice Act in response to a report by the Fraud Trials Committee formed in 1983 as a result of dissatisfaction with the ability of the City of London Fraud Squad to get convictions .
4 The Jay Committee reported in 1979 and recommended that nursing staff working with the mentally handicapped should be replaced by holders of a new social work qualification , that numbers of staff should be doubled and care transferred from hospitals to homes .
5 The Committee reported in 1986 and legislation followed in 1989 .
6 Another Select Committee reported in 1875 that ‘ the continued operation of the Deer Removal Act 1851 ’ would ‘ render the rights of common existing over the New Forest worthless , and by so doing … extinguish a large class of small freeholders and tenants of whom the highest character has been given ’ ; furthermore it would ‘ destroy almost the only specimen left in England of a primeval forest , a priceless source of enjoyment to all classes of the nation ’ .
7 When that Committee reported in 1972 there was further delay before a White Paper , Computers and Privacy , was published in 1975 ; the Data Protection Committee was established in 1976 and reported , recommending legislation , in 1978 .
8 The Committee reported in 1975 , and its recommendations formed the basis of the re-organization effected by the Criminal Law Act 1977 .
9 When the All Party House of Commons Select Committee reported in 1984 and suggested a further review of child care legislation was needed , did the same Select Committee envisage the incompetence of the Government ministers of the day to so irresponsibly deal with their duties ?
10 The Committee reported within three weeks .
11 This committee addressed in particular the issues of development priorities for the 1990s and implications for the World Bank Group , and human resource development .
12 Gerry : I was a steward and felt isolated being the only gay/lesbian steward for two years , and for a lot of the time , the only Black person on a committee dominated by white male heterosexuals .
13 As the Crawford Committee recommended in 1926 , ‘ the broadcasting service should be conducted by a public corporation acting as Trustee for the national interest and its status and duties should correspond with those of a public service ’ .
14 The Securities and Investments Board 's Retail review Committee recommended in 1990 that investment trust savings schemes should be allowed to be advertised with the same degree of freedom as unit trusts .
15 A few months later the Oxfordshire Education Committee responded to 10/65 by appointing me as co-ordinator for the Banbury reorganization , and commissioned me to submit plans : the noisy sewage pump had done its work .
16 The committee responded by increasing grants to voluntary agencies , entering into an agreement with Queen Mary 's Hospital and the Women 's Settlement Hospital to set aside beds for maternity cases , and producing monthly statistics on the work of health visiting staff ( ibid. 16 January , 12 June and 11 September 19 ) .
17 The committee voted by 11 to four on Oct. 18 to recommend the nomination .
18 Members of Tendring District Council 's housing services committee voted by 12 to one to reject a motion recommending married couples should be awarded 100 extra points in order to move them up the queue for council housing .
19 The party 's political bureau voted on July 12 in favour of Rabin 's proposal to hold a leadership contest before the end of the month , but on July 22 the party 's central committee voted by 54 per cent to 46 per cent against this attempt to force a contest .
20 Initially , the post had been envisaged at a lower level , but the Lords select committee pushed for this power .
21 In 1935 the Committee moved to 35 Hills Road and then was given the large house next door — number 55 - by Jesus College .
22 Not only was the functioning of the library committee curtailed by industrial action — as it was in every school studied but the many attitudinal and motivational effects of the reorganisation of secondary schooling in the area as a whole must have been significant in shaping the perspectives and actions of those taking up the project challenge .
23 Your Committee met on 18 September and 23 October 1989 .
24 Your Committee met on 2 December 1991 , when the principal items discussed were the Balance Sheet and the future Museum ( see below ) , the Winter Programme and progress on Glenburrell Bridge .
25 Your Committee met on 9 April 1990 , the main business being arrangements for the Annual General Meeting to be held on Friday , 4 May 1990 at 7.30 pm at the Community College , Bishop 's Castle .
26 Because of the Government 's announcement of a review of the working of the Architects Registration Acts , 1931–1969 , the Committee met on several occasions to discuss this important issue .
27 The FLN 's central committee met in closed session on July 17-23 .
28 Following the close of the congress the new central committee met in plenary session on July 13-14 to elect by secret ballot the new politburo and secretariat .
29 Philip James Cattlin ( ACA ) of 97 Judd Street , London having been found liable to disciplinary action under Bye-law 76(a) ( i ) in that he in London between 17 March 1992 and 15 September 1992 being sole proprietor of a firm of Chartered Accountants , failed to cause that firm to comply with an order of the Disciplinary Committee made on 17 March 1992 that it pay costs in the sum of £500 and having been found liable to disciplinary action under Bye-law 76(a) ( iv ) in that he in London between 14 August 1992 and 15 September 1992 failed to provide information required of him by the Investigation Committee on 14 August 1992 in exercise of its powers under Bye-law 80(a) and in that he in London between 19 May 1992 and 4 August 1992 failed to satisfy a judgment of the County Court that he pay a sum of £5,634 and having been found liable to disciplinary action under Bye-law 76(a) ( iv ) in that he in London between 7 January 1992 and 4 August 1992 failed to provide information required of him by the Investigation Committee in exercise of its powers under Bye-law 80(a) concerning a judgment of the County Court was excluded from membership of the Institute and ordered to pay £1,000 by way of costs .
30 President Lansana Conte ( who on April 4 , 1990 , was given the rank of major-general by the CMRN ) said in his 1990 New Year address that the draft constitution being drawn up by a 50-member committee chaired by Foreign Minister Maj. Jean Traore would be submitted to the nation for discussion and amendment during 1990 ; a referendum on it would be held by the end of the year [ see also p. 37060 ] .
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