Example sentences of "enough [to-vb] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 It had to look ordinary enough to appeal to a much broader market than the CX , but quirky enough to attract 15 years ' worth of loyal CX owners .
2 While agreeing with the spirit of Jameson 's suggestion that an avant-garde sensibility may displace and make strange the regularity of everyday television , it is not enough to appeal to an already formed avant garde — formed in another place or at another time and for another purpose — which can be hauled in and held up to television as a template of value .
3 I was even planning which tank I would be moving my 43 babies ( I had carefully counted the eggs ) to when they had grown up enough to go into a larger tank .
4 In America they would keep them in a home until they were old enough to go into a jail
5 The Irish are patient enough to wait for a lucky break .
6 He illustrated different ways in which reading , for example , could be taught , and how some children may not be ‘ mature ’ enough to cope with a ‘ look and say ’ approach , or may not develop that way .
7 Although it takes many years for a child to master the process of reading , once acquired , the skills are comprehensive and flexible enough to cope with a diversity of written material in a variety of fonts and formats ( including previously unknown ones such as unfamiliar handwriting ) .
8 However , once mastered , these skills are comprehensive and flexible enough to cope with a diversity of written material , in a variety of fonts and formats ( including previously unknown ones such as unfamiliar handwriting ) .
9 Do you feel well enough to sit in a chair ? ’
10 When I gave it away I believe I was still playing well enough to continue for a few more years , but I had had enough , and it was time to consider the family .
11 If you can scrape together a few hits and make enough to retire to a little place in the suburbs , you 've made the most of the opportunity .
12 In the 1912 London dock strike , the Transport Workers ' Federation had been willing enough to agree to a joint board and but for Lord Devonport 's stubborn resistance this might have been achieved .
13 You feel light enough to float on a cloud …
14 I have n't been brave enough to write to a publication of any sort before , but it is one of my favourite pieces of music , and this is the greatest performance I 've ever heard ( and I mean of anything ) , so thanks for the opportunity .
15 As these buns are so small , it is very important that the filling chosen should be smooth enough to pass through a fine pipe into the pastry .
16 You may be fortunate enough to benefit from an inheritance , or make a profit from the sale of a house or some other valuable asset .
17 A few weeks ago we were fortunate enough to meet in a public house where I bought you half a dozen pints and we engaged in a long and fascinating conversation .
18 Cars had been seen dodging through the lay-by to avoid red lights , it was said , and the pedestrian refuge between the road and lay-by was not wide enough to stand with a pram .
19 She was ready for a dusk-to-dawn party , self-possessed and poised enough to appear in a hairspray commercial .
20 Eventually , I came to my senses and accepted that I was not fit enough to train like a 2:10 marathoner .
21 Unless you are fortunate enough to work for a company that recognises this need , there are basically two options available for that initial promotion .
22 Companies are under no obligation to do so but , for those people lucky enough to work for an organisation willing to amend its pension scheme rules accordingly , this new provision could make an immense difference to the financial position of early retirees .
23 Although these are specialised positions , each team member needs to be flexible enough to work in a number of projects in different areas .
24 He was good enough to work like a black for the Tories , but would they offer him a seat ?
25 ‘ Wet and cold 's quite enough to know in a lifetime full of fish ! ’
26 I mean , I knew from my own experience that carers were not getting the help , they were not getting the back-up , so any sort of really good telephone numbers I had laid my hands on got sort of written away in a wee book , and I was lucky enough to come across an association that actually backed up carers and actually were willing to sort of , put their life on the line and say to me , yes , you have got rights and you need support and we are here to give you that support .
27 Professional advice needs to be taken to check that the foundations under the playground are strong enough to serve as a vehicle park .
28 However , I hope that these notes will be good enough to serve as a general guide .
29 Our amateurs were simply not dedicated enough to win at a world level .
30 Most people have been familiar with its skyline since they were old enough to focus on a TV screen .
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