Example sentences of "reach out for [noun] " in BNC.

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1 As his hand reaches out for mine , I recollect that at one point in those early post-war years I had a positive dread of men in uniform , and my terror grew in direct proportion with each extra pip .
2 He said that he was " reaching out for peace with Iran " as a response to the " sinister designs being concocted against both countries and the Gulf region by hostile forces " [ for Iraqi " supergun " affair see pp. 37390-91 ; 37471 ] .
3 ‘ In Israel a tiny sectarian minority hold sway and prevent that government from reaching out for peace .
4 ‘ I did not get the impression they were reaching out for help , there was not a general mood of crisis . ’
5 He seemed to want to try to remain in the underworld while still reaching out for life 's little comforts and luxuries .
6 His arm reached out for Jane — and touched only the still-warm sheets .
7 She reached out for Memet 's hand .
8 She reached out for Ronni 's hand and shook it .
9 Father reached out for love and did n't want to let it go .
10 ‘ Her wasted hand reached out for help and support .
11 Helen reached out for Edward 's anorak , lying on the oak chest , and put it round her shoulders .
12 The bad news is that England forward , Mike Teague , is ruled out through injury , but the good news top tri-scorer Nick Price will be fit as the Whites reach out for Twickenham and the Cup Final .
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