Example sentences of "open [coord] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But the street opposite the painted colonnades leads into the square where more and more food stalls are opening and the housewives are already busy marketing .
2 The JUMNA ( Junction Minimisation of Nucleic Acids ) program , described in detail in earlier publications ( 15–19 ) , has already been employed for studying base sequence effects within the various allomorphs of DNA and RNA , the conformation and stability of triple helices , the mechanism of base pair opening and the specificity of DNA-drug interactions .
3 The downside of being so quick was that it was an hour before the pub was supposed to open and the support vehicle to arrive .
4 She heard the companionway doors open and the hatch slide back .
5 ‘ That moment was the key , one of those moments when the heavens open and the choirs sing . ’
6 At that moment the door to one of the partitioned offices opened and a stout , smartly suited figure emerged .
7 This door had now been opened and a man stood therein , staring .
8 When , a minute later , he pulled on the handle of the iron bell and it clanged loudly , the door of a small house just beyond the gates opened and a man appeared and stood looking at them for a moment before speaking .
9 The club-house door had opened and a man came carefully out .
10 The doors opened and a man appeared with a bull 's eye lantern .
11 I toyed with the idea of walking the station to meet him , but , having a sore throat and an impending cold , had gone out to get cough sweets from the ‘ Paki shop ’ just before it closes at 10pm and , coming up the street , the heavens opened and a mass of snow began to fall , so I came in and stayed in , so that 's freshly home made onion soup was ready as he came up the stairs .
12 Beginning with the publication of Lady Chatterley 's Lover , she argues , the floodgates to total permissiveness were opened and a society in which ‘ the permissive intellectual 's anything goes ’ was created .
13 The first harbinger of the outside world came when the bedroom door suddenly opened and a maid came in with a tray .
14 At that moment , when the fate of Ramlal 's co-operative hung in the balance , the door of the inner office suddenly opened and a woman rushed out still in full flow against the Registrar .
15 ‘ We were singing our hearts out when the door suddenly opened and the headmaster brought the news . ‘
16 But ahortly after the heavens opened and the river level rose so high the work had to be abandoned .
17 The magnificent Tijou gates of the main entrance were no longer opened and the drive to the house was greening with disuse .
18 What if on March 25 , the envelope were opened and the winner was n't you ?
19 ‘ I was n't really — it was something else — ’ The doors opened and the visitors surged forward .
20 Regional tipsters are starting to talk about Vietnam , where the first language schools have opened and the US trade embargo is likely to be lifted .
21 When the train emerged from the tunnel the tanks were opened and the steam released .
22 The Adjutant even permitted himself a rueful grin just as the office door itself opened and the CO strode in .
23 The doors opened and the driver stared at him expectantly , and Zen got in .
24 Answer guide : A new asset account for Tubing should be opened and the £2,500 should be included here with the bank account being reduced accordingly .
25 In the springtime , after the irrigation channels had been opened and the paddy fields flooded , Kalchu would plough the mal into the soft wet earth , ready for the rice to be transplanted .
26 It was then my father ordered the gates to be opened and the dogs turned loose on the crowd outside .
27 Almost every member of staff , including people who normally spend all day in the office , was involved in cutting raw squid and fish into slivers for the babies and at feeding time , every 4 hours day and night , each little bill had to be opened and the food introduced down the throat in the way the mother bird would have fed the chick .
28 When acceleration or deceleration is complete the transistor switch is opened and the capacitor can then recharge in preparation for the next speed change .
29 The gall bladder was opened and the lumen rinsed with modified Hanks 's balanced salt solution ( HBSS , Sigma Chemical Co Ltd , St Louis , USA ) to remove bile and debris .
30 The speaker says ‘ the whole nation is quite intelligent anyway , as you can see ’ : the picture book is opened and the audience can see an ample , bare-breasted , black girl .
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