Example sentences of "likely [to-vb] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It is more comfortable and less likely to transmit movement through the water , although great care should still be taken .
2 For the same reasons that the female is more likely to acquire infection in the throat than her male sexual partner , the homosexual male who practises oral sex is more likely to be infected in the throat than his heterosexual equivalent .
3 The Pleasure Dome is the host for Dave 's blend of up-front dance and indie tunes , where the sounds are likely to include ditties from the likes of Happy Mondays , The Charlatans , World Of Twist , 808 State , A Tribe Called Quest and The KLF , interspersed with a splattering of classic House tunes .
4 The more sociology is concerned with such areas , the less it is , by definition , likely to include women within its frame of reference .
5 ‘ The more sociology is concerned with such areas , the less it is , by definition , likely to include women within its frame of reference . ’
6 Lang confirmed that a report due to be produced soon by a Scottish Office-COSLA working party on the internal management of councils is likely to include initiatives like American-style elector mayors and cabinet-style management for the new authorities .
7 Table 2.6 shows that particular newspapers are more likely to include reports of sexual attack than others .
8 Estimates that the plant is likely to sustain losses of more than £3 billion in its first ten years have been published by an energy consultant , Colin Sweet , on behalf of the lobby group , Cumbrians Opposed to a Radioactive Environment .
9 Er says in in the second sentence of the paragraph that locations most readily accessibly to West Yorkshire conurbation are likely to stimulate competition within the housing market to the potential detriment of local residents and lead to pressure for addis additional land releases .
10 An individual engineer is likely to perform work under contracts that fall broadly into three categories :
11 Babies that are breastfed are less likely to fall victim to gastro-enteritis , respiratory infections and glue ear .
12 Patterns of victimization vary : females are more likely to fall victim to violence in their homes ; whilst males are more likely to fall victim to violence in a ‘ road , street or park ’ , or in a place of recreation .
13 Patterns of victimization vary : females are more likely to fall victim to violence in their homes ; whilst males are more likely to fall victim to violence in a ‘ road , street or park ’ , or in a place of recreation .
14 This time he is likely to fall victim to the above-average swing to Labour expected throughout the West Midlands .
15 Having realised that conservation is always likely to fall victim to local poverty , great efforts are being made to set up small-scale sustainable industries which depend on the long-term well-being of the rainforest and other natural ecosystems .
16 At the same time , the lower school User File , containing details of all pupils likely to borrow items from this library , was created .
17 Co-operative R&D ventures are also likely to affect competition in output markets .
18 This has largely occurred on the Downs , where perhaps the greatest changes likely to affect birds in Sussex have taken place .
19 In particular , the study aims to elucidate the way in which various kinds of policy initiative are likely to affect performance in these sectors .
20 None of these four biases are likely to be consistent either across the two sexes or across different species : all four are more likely to affect estimates of variation in male success than estimates of variation in female success in polygynous species , though in contrary directions .
21 Sometimes , however , national rules which are in practice more likely to affect companies from other member states may nevertheless be justifiable if their purpose is consistent with the aims of the single market and any effect on non-national companies is purely incidental .
22 But whereas neurosis is , in a sense , a private affair , affecting mainly the person who suffers from it , delinquency and acting-out of neurotic conflicts are much more the concern of society as a whole and are certainly likely to affect others to a greater degree than is normally true of the symptoms of a conventional neurosis .
23 John Duncan 's side are likely to lose Stockwell from midfield , with Wark returning , against unchanged visitors .
24 They are expected to make a full recovery , but Sir Ranulph is likely to lose part of the second biggest toe on his left foot because of frost-bite .
25 GEC-FERRANTI seems likely to lose money on its £300 million contract to design and develop a radar for the European Fighter Aircraft as a result of a multi-million pound cost overrun .
26 Single cells ca n't be moved with the mouse , and ranges which are in the process of being copied or moved look identical , so you 're more likely to lose track of what you 're doing .
27 However , ideal situations are hard to come by , and the next best thing is to be able to perceive a horse 's changing emotions — especially if they indicate that we are likely to lose control of the horse in the near future !
28 All money purchase schemes are potentially unpredictable , and are especially likely to lose value through monetary inflation ( and not least if the annuitant lives a long time ) unless the annuity is fully index-linked , which is not the case under present legislation .
29 It was of course appreciated that the public at large was in favour of retaining the death penalty and that its abolition would be likely to lose votes for the Labour Party .
30 I regret I am not likely to lose weight in China , as their habit , at least in Peking , is to give us at least twice as much food as we need , and however much we gently suggest that three platefuls rather than six would be sufficient , they still go on just the same .
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