Example sentences of "build [noun pl] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 For example , a building contractor whose company builds houses for the council should decline to become a member of the housing committee and so avoid innuendos which would otherwise follow .
2 Are building programmes for the next financial year drawn up in time to be available to managers before holidays are allocated ?
3 So the L & NWR were building coaches in the same area as Joseph Wright & Sons , at best not a satisfactory arrangement , and a major factor in the decision to transfer this activity to Wolverton .
4 The distributaries will build levees of the coarser parts of their load , while the areas between will be occasionally flooded , built up with finer sediments , converted into swamps and so become sites of the formation of peats and organic muds .
5 We 're building shops for the new town .
6 The loggers build roads through the jungle to reach the trees and bring diseases which the Indians have no defences against which kill them .
7 Attractive stone built houses in the centre of the town have decorated timber surfaces under the gables and half-hipped roofs .
8 In Australia , the compass termites build castles in the shape of huge flat chisel blades , always with their long axis pointing north and south .
9 In this as in other areas , the fundamental error in our approach to policing is revealed : we do not trust the police so we build safeguards into the way they exercise their power .
10 The stone walling blocks , available in a variety of sizes , or build steps to the exact dimensions from concrete , for which you will have to set up formwork .
11 Northamptonshire is a county rich with fortified sites from Iron Age hillforts to Saxon ‘ burhs ’ , from Norman castles of earth and timber to the stone built castles of the 12th to 14th century .
12 I remember the days when , as a small child , I was taken around boatyards , harbours and rivers to admire boat after boat , while he built castles in the air about owning one .
13 They built homes throughout the Dale up to the borders of what is now Drinan , and their chief town was at Dun Merkadal .
14 The Banbury-based design house built cars for the ill-fated Andrea Moda team in 1992 and it is believed Bravo F1 will purchase equipment from the defunct Italian outfit .
15 Does he agree that not only do those excellent schemes make a positive contribution towards crime prevention , but they build bridges between the police and the community ?
16 They fear that welfare is being privatised : if charities build shelters for the homeless and philanthropists feed the poor , the government saves money .
17 In 1575 , he built Almshouses for the poor at East Greenwich , the first of their kind founded by a Protestant at a cost of more than £2,700 , and in 1581 , he published another work on the Duties of Constables , Borsholders , Tythingmen and other law and Lay ministers of the Peace .
18 Although we were city kids , we built dens in the fields behind the estate and harvested bluebells and brambles .
19 We are again one step ahead of the legislators and are conforming to the Environment Protection Act 's ‘ Duty of care ’ by installing our own purpose built incinerators throughout the country .
20 In the public gardens small children built forts with the gravel .
21 Owned by the ‘ Palais de Dance and Cinema Company ’ , it was one of the first large custom built ballrooms in the city of Edinburgh .
22 ‘ Every summer we used to go to the seaside in Croatia , and I built sandcastles with the other children .
23 In the fifth century many buildings were destroyed in the Goth and Vandal invasions and , later , Christians built churches in the temple ruins .
24 It is probably one of the newest purpose built grounds in the Football league and can hold about 12,000 spectators .
25 Derek says … they 've broken a few boats in testing … they 've been building prototypes for the last six months and have been putting in hours at sea to make sure everything is right
26 They 'd built estates after the war with no amenities at all and they did n't learn from that either .
27 He had built pianos by the end of the 17th century , but the three pianos by him that still exist were made in the 17205 .
28 Penn says that engineers have built chips on the outside of cylindrical substrates .
29 Such a dramatic movement of peoples could not have been undertaken by any other contemporary transportation method , and must reflect remarkable activity at the hundreds of newly built stations throughout the system .
30 In his discussion of The Legal Aspects of Sanitary Reform , Edward Jenkins includes an account of newly built cottages in the East End of London in the 1860s , where the contents of an adjacent cesspool were actually being used to make mortar for further dwellings , crammed into the back gardens of the first .
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