Example sentences of "upon him [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Nicholson , at this point , was in the news through the acclaim being bestowed upon him for Easy Rider , and his first taste of stardom was received with some apprehension ; his on-screen connections with marijuana and LSD also attracted a great deal of media coverage ; serious press interviews , with him personally as the focus and centre of attention , were also unfamiliar territory into which he ventured nervously , almost unsure of what he was going to say and how he was going to express his feelings and opinions ; he had plenty , and serious ones at that .
2 He pushed out his shoulders , and was halfway through when the creature turned the corner , coming upon him with terrifying speed .
3 No longer fitfully manifested , the Spirit rests upon him with unwithdrawn steadiness .
4 His faltering authority was demonstrated in December when an extensive Cabinet reshuffle was forced upon him by factional leaders .
5 Speaking on the day of the ruling , David Lange , the New Zealand Prime Minister at the time of the bombing , described the 1986 accord as an agreement forced upon him by French threats from " the highest level " .
6 Araminta , ’ he amended as the pale eyes turned upon him in gentle reproach , ‘ there is no need .
7 She waited confidently for his smile , his look of wondering gratitude , his stumbling words of thanks , her eyes fixed upon him in happy expectation .
8 Even a few weeks would do for him , thought Hotspur , and caught the girl 's eyes fixed upon him in silent desperation and appeal ; though indeed it was so imperious as to be more of a demand .
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