Example sentences of "upon him [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 In his responsiveness to temporal processes he differed from many of his contemporaries and we can look upon him as the forerunner in literature of those , like Spenser and Shakespeare in the late sixteenth century , who were greatly concerned with the irreversible effects of time on the human mind and Spirit .
2 But the aforementioned medrese was bestowed upon him as the result of the letter of Ferhad Pasa . "
3 I look upon him as the authentic voice of the Labour party , and I want him to be heard .
4 ‘ Criminals far more vicious than Nicholas Dodman looked upon him as an easy target to provide an outlet for their criminal activities , ’ he said .
5 ‘ Criminals far more vicious than Nicholas Dodman looked upon him as an easy target to provide an outlet for their criminal activities , ’ he said .
6 Not till later was it diagnosed that the mental breakdown which destroyed Hoskyns crept upon him for a year or more before he died .
7 His literary prowess was now enforcing itself upon him with the urgency of a destiny , as with all true writers , ‘ born , not made ’ .
8 In the valley of Minas Morgul the Ringwraith sends out a command for him to put it on , but Frodo finds no response to it in his own will , feeling only ‘ the beating upon him of a great power from outside ’ .
9 Because Pound was not a combatant , and because he resolutely resisted making easily patriotic and self-righteous gestures ( this is what Homage to Sextus Propertius is about , very largely ) , the impact upon him of the First World War is under-estimated .
10 There was no sign of Haines , no one had come with a list of grievances , and Harold was able to give some of the assurances that I had urged upon him before the first dinner .
11 Whether or not he suspected this , Rodrigo accepted the favours bestowed upon him by the new King — including marriage to Alfonso 's niece Ximena Diaz .
12 The ordination was conferred upon him by the special approval of the Archbishop of Canterbury .
13 He was constantly harassed by Philip III of France and his officers as a result of a fine of 15,000 l.t. imposed upon him by the French king 's court in 1273 .
14 But if this state of comparative retirement owed much to his desire to experience as fully as possible the companionship of marriage , it was also imposed upon him by the demands of his still fragile health .
15 Among these creators of new states none is quite like Ho Chi Minh who , despite having the spotlight of publicity turned upon him by the world 's press , remains in many ways a mystery man .
16 FERRIS J. This is an appeal by the third party , an accountant , from an order of Master Munrow made on 3 October 1991 dismissing his application that a third party notice , served upon him by the third defendant in the main action , should be struck out .
17 He , as I am sure you know , is Ranger of Wychwood Forest , an office bestowed upon him by the monarch of this realm . ’
18 If it is proposed to make employees redundant , it is suggested that the vendor should commence consultation with the unions no later than the same time as the statutory consultation period imposed upon him by the Trade Union and Labour Relations ( Consolidation ) Act 1992 , s188 .
19 And even as its sound struck the cage about him , there was a crash and a judder and the sky was falling in upon him from the darkening night .
20 But immediately , the burden of the territorial and other material possessions of his church weighed upon him in a way that had never been evident at Bec under the relaxed rule of Duke Robert of Normandy .
21 He was also charged with forcing the king to bestow the earldom of March upon him in the Salisbury parliament of 1328 and then leading an armed band against the Earl of Lancaster , with procuring the death of the Earl of Rent , fomenting discord between Edward II and Isabella , and other offences which together amounted to a comprehensive indictment of his rule since 1326 , The earls and barons , ‘ the peers of the realm ’ , were asked to give their judgement on these charges and they declared that they were notorious and manifest to all .
22 A congressman 's support for the president on a particular issue may not represent a straightforward quid pro quo ; it could well be a mark of his gratitude for favours bestowed upon him in the past .
23 More and more she was acting like a bitch ; more than once she had to restrain the urge to hit out at him , punch him in his good-looking , smarmy face , especially when she would come upon him in the drawing-room sitting holding her great-gran 's hand , stroking it gently as if it were a cat , and that old woman sitting there and , like a cat , lapping it up .
24 The exhilaration of applause and heckling acted upon him like a shot of adrenalin .
25 For a moment he did not know where he was : the darkness lay upon him like a leaden weight , crushing him as if he were under a ton of river-water .
26 The light from the launderette had shone upon him like an arc lamp .
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