Example sentences of "build [adv] over the " in BNC.

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1 Do schools take their small-scale budgetary approaches , built up over the years by dealing with capitation , or do they reappraise their resource management approach ?
2 Strombolian activity continued for most of this time in the little cone built up over the fissure , until it was a respectable thirty metres or so in height , while the lavas snaked down-slope in several glowing tongues , permanently ruining many of the best skiing slopes , engulfing one by one the pylons that carried the cable-way , and demolishing the upper cable-station .
3 But the lesson of the Kennedy case is that if you have the chance to take another job before your redundancy has been confirmed , you may have to choose between safeguarding your future and cashing in on the job rights built up over the years in your present employment .
4 The personal relationships built up over the 15 weeks often encourage longer discussions on how the subjects the pupils are learning about relate to the outside ‘ grown-up ’ world of industry and academe .
5 It remains to be seen whether the special provision built up over the last decade will survive what may be the collapse of pre-vocational college-based education .
6 The enrichment of the Library 's printed collections by selecting appropriately from the constant flow of new knowledge , as well as completing gaps in those publications already represented in the collections built up over the last three hundred years of the Library 's development , is of paramount importance for scholars and researchers .
7 The strength of the economy has been founded on small family businesses and farms built up over the years by hard work and self-denial .
8 The costs will be in the region of £30,000 to £60,000 for full optical systems , but entry level systems for hypermedia , CD-ROM , WORM and videodisk technology can be obtained off-the-shelf at the moment , and built up over the next five to ten years .
9 Some stars can be seen that way if the conditions happen to be appropriate , but children will not get very far as astronomers unless their own resources are supplemented by those accumulated by the tradition of astronomy built up over the centuries .
10 Much of the pollution is caused by a backlog of fertilizers , built up over the last 30 years , seeping into the groundwater which feeds many of the dykes .
11 There 's also a lounge and TV area and spacious sun terrace , built out over the lake .
12 These are piers built out over the harbour , and indicate old merchants ' houses , where ships could unload directly into the premises .
13 Beneath the shady colonnades built out over the pavements , fat Chinese stripped to the waist like living Buddhas sat flicking their abaci behind high mounds of fruits , foodstuffs , silks , porcelains , hardware and a dozen other commodities .
14 Will he assure the House that the new planning practice guidance that he is to issue will give planners teeth , and not just false teeth , to deal with the unauthorised developments being built all over the country ?
15 And , somehow , my savings , carefully built up over the years , were starting to run dry .
16 In effect this was a period of withdrawal from a rigidly structured police world to a world turned upside down ; where , in a ‘ counter-cultural ’ way , we were to find that the strict terms of reference we had carefully built up over the years no longer seemed to have relevance .
17 The results confirm the so-called Standard Model , the theory which physicists have built up over the past 15 years to explain both the nature of matter and the forces which govern it .
18 Consequently , compromises have built up over the years .
19 Built up over the past 10 years , his aquilegia collection consists of about 130 species and hybrids , with the emphasis on species ‘ to save as many as possible from extinction and allow present and future generations to know and enjoy their great beauty ’ .
20 Drainage : what needs to be done before a good soil structure can be built up over the whole farm ?
21 Agencies like this find that some people want a complete change from previous work , others like to continue using the skills they have built up over the years .
22 The stocking level would be built up over the weeks .
23 It is a wonderful feeling to be able to experience the strength , suppleness and stamina that you have built up over the last three weeks .
24 Castle continues to value video copyrights on a historical cost basis because its catalogue has only been built up over the last two or three years and there is less earnings experience on which to base a valuation .
25 The catalogue of hurts which had built up over the years was considerable .
26 George Ortiz 's own collection of antiquities has been built up over the past forty-three years .
27 The small but very fine collection of Old Master paintings , drawings and works of art had been built up over the last decade on the encouragement and advice of Metropolitan Museum curators .
28 Building in opportunities for student progression is one of these , so that special courses , very necessarily built up over the last 15 years , do not become an end in themselves but rather a means towards mainstream education and training .
29 Presently a governor of two Suffolk schools , the task is increasingly time consuming , responsible , unpaid and costly in terms of petrol consumed ( no travel expenses paid ) , but still rewarding in terms of relationships within the schools carefully built up over the years .
30 It 's just built up over the last coupla years really .
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