Example sentences of "activity so as [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 There are many ways of categorizing activities so as to ration your time properly .
2 It is ICI 's policy to manage all of its activities so as to give benefit to society , ensuring that they meet relevant laws and regulations ; that they are acceptable to the community at large ; and that their environmental impact is reduced to a practicable minimum .
3 The actin cable provides a novel way for epidermal cells to coordinate their activities so as to close gaps , fulfilling their function as a self-repairing barrier layer .
4 Even if an officer is working on a pollution problem requiring repeated visits , he continues to do the unpredictable wherever possible to provide the polluter with few opportunities to organize his activities so as to create a spurious impression that things are under control .
5 This being so , specific rehabilitation programmes for people with mental disorder frequently use a therapeutic approach which practises and rehearses ordinary activities so as to help people regain confidence in managing the business of life .
6 When BAT Industries , ICI and others are divesting activities as raiders appear ; when Courtaulds and Racal are divesting or splitting activities so as to focus on their core businesses ; the time has surely come to think again about corporate and other strategies .
7 To be successful , entrepreneurs need to be able to identify unmet private needs and preferences which an interest group can fulfil , and then work to extend the group 's ‘ bread and butter ’ activities so as to achieve public goods bonuses for their membership .
8 As a result , the social responsibility theory was born ; newspapers remained the property of their owners , they could still be bought and sold in the marketplace , but owners and newspapers were now credited with obligations to society — obligations to provide information , to allow a diversity of views to be printed , to encourage the best and most professional of journalistic activity so as to pursue truth and knowledge ( Table 2.1 ) .
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