Example sentences of "until [pron] find [art] " in BNC.

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1 So I walked across the moor , until I found a dry place to sleep , in the shelter of a small hill .
2 But I did n't know who that man was — until I found a portrait she had painted of you . ’
3 I said I 'd pick them up in an hour and then drove until I found a pub with a Bar Food sign and a quiet corner .
4 I dressed and crept along the endless corridors until I found the staircase and slid silently down the banisters under the disapproving eye of Sir Mauger Grindlewood .
5 It was only when I was almost in despair that I recalled having seen a letter written by a knitter from overseas , about an easy way to make cables and it seemed a pleasant way to take a break by referring back a few months until I found the letter from — you 've guessed it — June Shaw .
6 I ran back and forth across the street until I found the dirty door .
7 Then she added , — Sheila can put me up until I find a place .
8 I 'll wait every day and every evening in the Grange garden , until I find a chance to see Catherine .
9 Frankly , until somebody finds a better way to build a GTi , we 're all the competition we need .
10 But her sense of humour , courage and ability to love help her to survive those terrible years until she finds the happiness she deserves .
11 So she schemed until she found a way of having the second thing without losing the first .
12 Suddenly Mozart seemed too busy and clever , and she started sorting in the cupboard under the turntable until she found a record of Papillons , and lay back surrounded by Schumann 's fluttering primary colours .
13 Spun me a good story about her husband , Malcolm , and how he 'd died , and she was going to stay with a friend in Birkleigh until she found a living-in job where she could keep you .
14 She shone her torch round the gruesome chamber until she found the sodden stone she sought .
15 Evelyn did so while Rose picked and tugged at the hem until she found the ring .
16 She had bought a pretty pine desk , and had scoured the antique shops until she found the perfect eighteenth-century light-mahogany chair to go with it .
17 The aunt searched his bedroom until she found the key to the box .
18 While the water steamed from the taps , she busied herself at the long table beneath the bathroom mirror , lifting the lids from the various jars and sniffing at them until she found the one she was searching for .
19 The marshal 's favoured plan — Susan gathered — was that she should B into Daine 's Dream , as herself but with a few improvements and then rip the sub-universe apart until she found the fugitive and could tase him awake .
20 But she had just settled down , flicking the control through a dozen or so channels until she found the one she wanted , when the door opened and Marc himself came in .
21 She reached out , ran her hands down the door until she found the handle and twisted it .
22 The basic idea is that you look through the book until you find a picture that is of the type you are going to take , and you then read the accompanying bar code into the camera .
23 The measurements I have given are only a rough guide , so feel free to experiment until you find a setting that suits your sound and playing style .
24 Modifying patches is as simple as pressing whichever up or down buttons you fancy , waiting until you find a sound you like and then saving it using the usual ‘ Enter ’ button .
25 Rub it between your fingers ( about the size of a 20p piece to start with , massaging it into your hands slightly ) and work it through your hair until you find a shape that you like .
26 Walk until you find a clearing and wait there , reminding yourself of your new belief .
27 Experiment instead until you find a style in which you want to specialise .
28 You will never build your city of Skadar until you find a twin brother and sister , Stoja and Stojane .
29 X is defined as something very like a human eye , sufficiently similar that the human eye could plausibly have arisen by a single alteration in X. If you have a mental picture of X and you find it implausible that the human eye could have arisen directly from it , this simply means that you have chosen the wrong K. Make your mental picture of X progressively more like a human eye , until you find an K that you do find plausible as an immediate predecessor to the human eye .
30 If necessary , try out one or more methods until you find the one that suits you and your partner best .
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