Example sentences of "speak with [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I could only speak with a muffle . ’
2 As both a guitarist and an adman , I can speak with a bit of authority .
3 He can speak with a bit of slurring , so what .
4 It follows from this that the test of legitimate episcopal authority is that the bishop should speak with the voice of Christ .
5 Still partially paralysed by the brain disease Guillain-Barre syndrome , he can only speak with the aid of an artificial voice box .
6 They all speak with a brummie type accent .
7 In between courses he would wash his hands in the air and speak with a pulpit authority laced with a show of charm .
8 ‘ You could say that a great many English women are still metaphorically wearing the yashmak , ’ she said now , speaking with a kind of didactic , impersonal severity , as if I were a studio audience .
9 And , it 's not a text but perhaps a verse that we could use as a , as a springboard is verse twenty seven , and it says at this point his disciples came and they marvelled that he had been speaking with a woman !
10 The second thing , to compound it , was that the Lord Jesus , obviously being a man , and should not have se , been speaking with a woman about serious and important issues !
11 He also advocated the appointment of prison inspectors and made it clear that he expected them to be as thorough as he himself had been , probing every corner and speaking with every prisoner .
12 But goodness knows what Big Ears will think when he hears Noddy speaking with the voice of actress Susan Sheridan .
13 Still , Thomas Brassey the railway entrepreneur , speaking with the voice of business common sense , observed of serfdom that the crop yield in servile Russia was half that in England and Saxony and less than in any other European country , and of slavery that it was ‘ obviously ’ less productive than free labour and more expensive than people thought , bearing in mind the cost of purchase or of rearing and maintenance .
14 Yesterday , speaking with the help of his voice box , wheelchair-bound Norman paid an emotional tribute to his courageous wife .
15 However , Cannes club captain Luis Fernandez , who claimed to be speaking with the authority of the club 's board , said : ‘ We find it unacceptable that the disciplinary committee refused to accept our evidence and that Louis Niccolin should be judge and plaintiff at the same time .
16 Erm , all speaking with an air of running business , managing finance and er how we have n't managed in the past because this is what , our actual
17 There is his Author 's Note to Victorious Troy to assure us that he has spoken with a boy whose experience had been similar to that of Dick Pomfret and that cases where dismasted sailing ships without officers had been brought to port by boys were not unknown , but we hardly need this assurance in order to believe that Dick , not unaided but with a responsibility beyond his years , did in fact bring the Hurrying Angel home in the end .
18 These are comments about young people which were spoken with a tenor of near hatred at a meeting of a council committee when young people were n't even on the agenda .
19 For twenty years since , it has spoken with the voice of Africa ‘ for a hate-free , fear-free , greed-free world ’ .
20 Listen , then , you 've seen and spoken with the man , and have some insight into his mind . ’
21 I 've spoken with the daughter on the telephone within the last couple of months , and each time our telephone conversations are exactly the same — the daughter 's at the end of her tether , she does n't know what to do .
22 The words had been spoken with the finality of a full stop .
23 ‘ Then come back to this same place in an hour 's time , when I shall have spoken with the captain . ’
24 Can you visualise a Governor of the Bank of England who is a fanatical Newcastle United supporter , speaks with a Geordie twang and whose background is , in his own words , ‘ classic C2 ’ ?
25 Margy comes from Newcastle and speaks with a Geordie accent .
26 My right hon. Friend is right and speaks with the authority of many years ' membership of the House .
27 Every two or three minutes he stops and speaks with the crowd .
28 Lucy refused to take offence , yet her chin rose slightly as she spoke with a smile .
29 He spoke with a deference that was almost fawning : they were fighting to save their country from an atheistic dictatorship .
30 For the record , the Group Captain says Payne Stewart did n't play a round there last year because a third party came on the line , and spoke with a girl at the desk .
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