Example sentences of "decision [modal v] [be] made " in BNC.

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1 Lloyd 's deputy chairman Richard Hazell 's £155 million Syndicate 190 , hit by pollution claims , is contemplating going into ‘ run off ’ , though ‘ no decision may be made for some time ’ , says underwriter John Weatherall .
2 Lloyd 's deputy chairman Richard Hazell 's £155 million Syndicate 190 , hit by pollution claims , is contemplating going into ‘ run off ’ , though ‘ no decision may be made for some time ’ , says underwriter John Weatherall .
3 These technical aspects of the shoot should be discussed with the photographer in advance and the decision may be made in the light of the budget as well as of the PR requirements , to put a specific limit on the number of shots .
4 In the circumstances , however , the period of remand should clearly be as short as possible so that an early decision may be made on the full evidence .
5 Most indexing terms in a thesaurus are ‘ uniterms ’ or single-concept terms , although in some instances a deliberate decision may be made to include some multi-concept terms .
6 At the end of your interview the interviewer should have given you a fairly accurate idea of the date by which a decision should be made .
7 Before commencing , a decision should be made as to whether grains touching chromosome edges are to be included or not .
8 The decision should be made in the first instance as if it were easy to be made .
9 A decision on the recognition of any of the republics may be on the agenda , but that decision should be made collectively and advisedly .
10 No because section fifty four A and all section fifty four A says is that a decision should be made on a planning application , in accordance with the development plan .
11 The council 's leisure services committee was told by chief leisure officer John Warbrook that more information was needed from other authorities before a decision should be made .
12 However , in this case a decision must be made and is often given on the flimsiest of grounds ( though that is not the fault of the refereeing panel ) .
13 Back at the car a decision must be made : whether or not to climb Gragareth .
14 That the focusing preference here is at most a weak one is shown by the fact that in both cases , the wrong reading is still plausible , so the decision must be made on comparative , not absolute , grounds .
15 A crucial decision must be made without hesitation .
16 C. D. Needham ( 1971 ) gives examples of the filing difficulties that result ; he points out that a decision must be made at every stage — does L 7 file before or after L:7 ?
17 The ultimate decision must be made by the Chief Constable himself .
18 She must still be fed and clothed , and soon a decision must be made about a secondary school , with its uniform and other details .
19 A decision must be made about whether Newco will itself trade or whether it will remain a holding/investment company .
20 In drawing such profiles , the male part is conventionally drawn on the left and an arbitrary decision must be made on where to terminate the open-ended top age class ( say 100 years ) .
21 Mrs Rene Morris said she had been shown letters addressed to parents which said the form had to be given to head teachers before a decision could be made .
22 If it was considered that a parent was fabricating symptoms and manipulating recorded data a decision could be made to discuss this with the parent and family doctor .
23 Prof John Williams , NEWI executive principal , confirmed that no decision could be made on the future of County Buildings until April 1 , when the institute becomes independent .
24 In some instances they temporised : in May 1221 they conceded that ‘ the knights and free tenants of the forest of Berkshire ’ should elect ‘ two law-worthy and discreet knights ’ of their number to keep the forest , under the Chief Justice of the Forest , until Henry III came of age , when a final decision would be made about disafforestment .
25 In Cocks v. Thanet DC the House of Lords applied this rule and held that an applicant who wanted to challenge a decision of a local authority to the effect that he was intentionally homeless and so not entitled to be housed , had to use AJR procedure because his only rights in respect of the decision were public law rights , namely that the decision would be made in accordance with rules of public law .
26 Samuel Pipkin was tensing himself for the coming life and death struggle this evening , when the vital decision would be made by the Prince of Wales , and Mr Thackeray would be avenged .
27 He says if the ssame facts were put before the court that were put before it then , the same decision would be made .
28 A Digital spokeswoman in Massachusetts declined to say when the decision would be made , but said in such cases , the affected employees were always the first to be notified .
29 If they do not the risks are considerable as decisions may be made without the benefit of comprehensive observations and specialist experience .
30 Elaborating a little on this , we can say that curricular decisions may be made by students , individual lecturers , departments , faculties , academic senates or institutional committees , and central authorities in or near government .
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