Example sentences of "send to [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Instead they send to Shiloh for the ark .
2 If it 's all er arrested for shooting of Anthony sent to prison for five years plus six months for possessing a firearm with intent to endanger life .
3 Now in the eyes of the law , they have committed a crime , but if you put that situation before a jury , and even though the judge may instruct the jury , a crime has been committed , you must find them guilty , the jury 's inclination will probably be to say , natural justice , you , that you you done what was required of you , that you do n't deserve to be either convicted or sent to prison for it .
4 When John Colville , Churchill 's secretary , joined the RAF , he was sent to Witbank for flying training . ’
5 My father was sent to hell-fire on the sixth of Rabi ! ’
6 Reduce waste sent to landfill by promoting and increasing collections for recycling ( 5a )
7 In a plan adopted by the cabinet , and sent to parliament for approval , the government calls for a reduction of 35 per cent in pesticide applications by 1995 , rising to 50 per cent by the year 2000 .
8 Sometimes a cake may be sent to school for the children to share ; sharing a cake for a large group of children would not be done by the children themselves , though it might turn into a spontaneous counting activity .
9 I was perfectly happy until I was sent to school at the age of five .
10 Of course he was n't always there because frequently there were notes from his mother to say that he had earache or something , but later on I realized , of course , that those notes had been faked , the same as the notes that I had sent to school from my mother several generations before that .
11 Little Carl Mozart , then seven-years-old , had been sent to school in Perchtholdsdorf , a suburb of Vienna , and Mozart drove out on 13 October to collect him and take him and his grandmother Weber to see a performance of The Magic Flute .
12 Had it not been for the First World War I might have been sent to school in England , separated indefinitely from my parents , as was the fate of so many English children whose fathers served in India or elsewhere in the East .
13 Sent to Pipe to be prepared for a Gold Cup campaign , he indicated abundant potential when strolling home in a handicap at Wincanton on Boxing Day .
14 He landed on the person 's head who had given the ring to Tim in front of him and was sent to court at Newgate .
15 But a senior social worker says he believes young offenders who are sent to court for first offences are far more likely to commit new crimes .
16 Chinese students sent to university in Russia demonstrated noisily on their cross-country train journeys and , on one occasion that shocked Khrushchev deeply , defecated all over a Mongolian station platform .
17 Apprenticed to his father as a lighterman , and sent to sea at the age of fifteen , Somes 's early experience was in the coal and coastal trades .
18 Dana claimed that he expanded his diary into the narrative Two Years Before the Mast ( the significant subtitle is ‘ An authentic narrative of a sailor 's Life at Sea ’ ) in order to represent the seaman 's view ignored in other sea-stories , but as a young undergraduate , sent to sea for his health , he presented a life of hardship and monotony from an educated point of view and seems in any case to have been more concerned with exact recording of weather , cargoes and seaman 's techniques than with personal behaviour and attitudes .
19 The Co-ordinator will include significant items in her/his own Regional Report , sent to Head of Area Staff monthly ( by the end of the following month ) .
20 The terminal 's other metering system — stabilised crude oil meters ( SCOMS ) , which measured the amount of stabilised oil being sent to storage from the separate Brent and Ninian processing trains — became redundant after PIMS commingling last year .
21 Of course I was sent to bed without any supper .
22 Mossy Rooney , a man who , though he spoke little , noticed a lot , saw the look of relief pass over Benny Hogan 's face , as she was sent to bed with a hot-water bottle and a cup of hot milk .
23 In fact , I was sent to bed as a punishment .
24 She had an unhappy childhood in Weston-super-Mare , and was briefly sent to boarding-school in Devizes at the age of eight .
25 Copies of all theses sent to BLDSC for microfilming are indexed and listed each month in British Reports Translations and Theses ( BRTT ) .
26 Many of them were children being sent to safety in Canada and there were also some Americans returning home .
27 He was sent to prison on the Isle of Man .
28 Prisoners are now sent to prison as a punishment , not for punishment .
29 Lester Piggott , his brilliant successor from the 1960s to the 1980s , was driven by such a desperate , obsessive need for wealth and security that he was sent to prison for persistently defrauding the Inland Revenue of its share of his millions .
30 In America a journalist was sent to prison for refusing to disclose information which could have revealed the innocence of a person on trial , but prison would not normally be an option in a civil case .
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