Example sentences of "send [pers pn] off [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Many people who had never been abroad before were happy to let the tour operator take the strain and send them off on holidays where everything was organized for them .
2 One way of dealing with these problems is to run off a standard pro-forma , to fill in the blank spaces and send them off to parents .
3 If there 's anything embedded in it like gravel or something and it does n't come away easily you must n't , it comes under the categories of what you call foreign bodies , which first aider is not at liberty to poke about , you must leave foreign bodies that do n't come away easily where they are and bandage them round and send them off to hospital or a doctor , but assuming it 's just a little clean graze , if I have n't got a tap to put it under , then I must use little bits of gauze to wash , put in a bowl of water and just wipe , yeah , and you always wipe obviously from the centre of a wound towards the outside , otherwise if you start to wipe across the whole thing you take dirt from one side of the wound across and drop it off in the middle somewhere , so you wipe from the centre out and throw that piece away and you take another piece and wipe from the centre out and so on until you feel happy , quite happy .
4 I draw in the markings of each Friesian heifer — they 're all unique , you see — and send them off to the breed society , then they 're registered . ’
5 Their parents are the ones who send them off to school and say , just do your best .
6 This means that using a program like WINFAX , you can combine document and data from a variety of Windows applications — a letter from word processing , a graphic from your paint program , a design from DTP , a graph from the spreadsheet etc and send them off in one FAX .
7 Get it done cos they send you off at ten .
8 If you 're the new united German diplomatic corps , the answer 's obvious — send him off to be ambassador to Austria .
9 Send her off with some traditional British recipes under her belt . ’
10 Fill in the coupon on this page and send it off with the appropriate cheque
11 Now that you 've decided on our new club name send it off to — .
12 We had to pay er there was two lots of erm tyres , there was one set of buses were fitted with and another one with or I forget which it was there but I know those three were involved at some time or other and we used to record the mileage , send it off to them , showing what each bus ran during the month .
13 The purchaser would take his own blood sample , send it off to the laboratory , and await the results by post .
14 To apply for supplementary pension get leaflet SB 1 from the post office , fill in your name and address , sign it and send it off in the pre-paid envelope .
15 Send it off in any case .
16 We could send them off to a university or something like that so the .
17 It 's as simple as that cos we could send you off to St Andrews or something like that to er to well I 'm just I 'm homing in on the erm on the golf on the basis that I you you 're er you 're representative for a a company that does is involved with golf equipment .
18 Whether we should send him off with a shove in his rear and a pair of boxed ears does not matter .
19 She would send him off to some lecturing engagement with butter and other rations to give his hostess , and when he came back the rations would be found as a soggy mess in his pocket .
20 He would come home ( to her home ) after school for his tea ‘ but I would send him off to Mrs Smith 's .
21 Your doctor may run the test himself , although it 's more likely he 'll send it off to a laboratory .
22 The appeal at the school that Mrs was supposed to have let Miss White know so she could send it off to the parents to get the money back scanner
23 and stuff like that so I can send it off with
24 There 's no point in sending them off on endless — no doubt excellent — courses if there 's no incentive for them to use up large slices of their spare time in teaching the game .
25 He began writing jokes and scripts for TV shows and sending them off to producers and stars .
26 At the moment , when we should be integrating our elderly into community life and reintegrating them into our families , we are sending them off into social exile .
27 Imagine that we , the human species , released one billion living spores into the Universe , sending them off in random directions .
28 If they suss out that you 're a fanatical prospector they 'll have a great time winding you up and sending you off on a series of wild goose chases .
29 If I were sending you off without a decent breakfast you could say that , but as it is … ’
30 Although practical experience was not required , Balliol decided to build its own laboratory , and asked Smith to run it , sending him off to various distinguished chemists to obtain an appropriate training .
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