Example sentences of "send [pers pn] [adv prt] [art] " in BNC.

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1 So she said well I 'll change it she said because I tell you why , we send them back every , every so long , often .
2 Send him back the books and the money — he 'll think I stole them ! ’
3 reported it and they send him out the flats .
4 It used to be regarded as a premium fuel for domestic and commercial use , now we just send it up the chimneys of power stations .
5 She did n't go out drinking or dancing ; she did n't do as one mother she 'd known ( in a story of maternal neglect that I remember feeling was over the top at the time ) and tie a piece of string round my big toe , dangle it through the window and down the front of the house , so that the drunken mother , returning from her carousing , could tug at it , wake the child , get the front door opened and send it down the shop for a basin of pie and peas .
6 Send it down the line . ’
7 if I needed any I , I used to ask my boss or phone up head office and say petty cash is getting a bit low I 've used a lot of stamps last week , they 'd send me up a cheque and , never any question of they 've provided us with tea and the pint of milk I use , I , I 'd bring it in with me or ask the
8 we 'll just send them back the problem and send fully stamped
9 I think it 's fair to say that with this new computer erm the box office that we 've got a lot of information can be stored on that and in future we 'll be using a much more erm sophisticated in a scientific way for instance if you came here and book that seat that your sitting in tonight we would know on that computer what type of show that your discouraging coming to erm we can say to you we can send you out a leaflet saying the kind of er things that you 'd like to see are on at the playhouse on such and such a date and we could even say to you would you like the seat that you normally sit in .
10 John wrote at length to Hanns about colour , shapes and general effect desirable , and asked him to ‘ do a few rough sketches and send them to me to give to Cecily ; number them so that I can just send you back a telegram saying ‘ Do number three ’ say , unless there is more to be said . ’
11 If the student demonstrated by his choices that he did not fully understand a particular point then the programme could send him round an additional explanatory loop .
12 If for instance erm Fred Bloggs at the end of the office is sick on Friday he turns off his P C at lunchtime and goes home and we do the software upgrade during the afternoon on Friday , then his P C wo n't get the upgrade to the software because we 're sending it down the network .
13 Great-aunts were sometimes significant : a Scots farmer 's old sister , ‘ very straightlaced … you sat like a mouse ; ’ or the great-aunt of a Portsmouth docker 's daughter , ‘ an old , old lady ’ , who liked to celebrate receiving her weekly pension — ‘ Every weekend , pension day , she had a wee brown jug and she used to send me up the beer shop to get half pint o'stout .
14 He said erm I shall ha I 'll have to send you up the hospital and you 'll have to have a you know
15 It was that phone call that sent me up the cul-de-sac .
16 so they 're like sending me a list , well they sent me back a half list
17 He wrote not one memo about it but , by his estimate , as many as five , and sent them up the line .
18 Silas appeared to be deep in thought , while Lucy sat wrapped in a gloom which sent her down a dark tunnel to the depths of depression .
19 The car park was empty but for the elderly gentleman 's massive Ford , which was just crunching over the gravel towards the road , an old but impressive bronze Aston Martin which Charlotte supposed must belong to Gus — it sent him up a couple of notches in her regard — and the school bus , still stationary , boiling over with bored boys , and emitting a plaintive chorus of : ‘ Why are we waiting ? ’
20 He wrote for a catalogue , and they sent him back a list of ten titles .
21 The Jot 1.0 specification is designed to enable applications to share handwritten notes , sketches , signatures and other free-form data across the generality of computers from hand-held devices to mainframes , so that if someone scrawls a note and sends it over a modem , it will turn up at the other end as handwriting , regardless of the sending and receiving machines , provided only that they both implement Jot 1.0 .
22 I felt a bit sorry for 'im once , so I sent 'im over a bird but 'e were n't 'aving none of it .
23 I felt a bit sorry for 'im once , so I sent 'im over a bird but 'e were n't 'aving none of it .
24 At the end of January Pop decided to go south to our villages , and sent us up the Irrawaddy to Maymyo .
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