Example sentences of "send [prep] [noun prp] to " in BNC.

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1 The family became rich enough to send VS Naipaul to university in England .
2 In his History of the Abbots Bede says that Ecgberht , king of Kent , sent a certain Wigheard to Rome where he wished him to be consecrated archbishop , and only subsequently in the Ecclesiastical History does Bede report that Oswiu and Ecgberht consulted together on what action to take about a successor to Deusdedit and that they agreed on the choice of one of Deusdedit 's clergy , Wigheard , whom they sent to Rome to be consecrated ( HE III , 29 ) .
3 Butler intriguingly proposes the mass items as a keyboard pendant to the B minor Missa sent by Bach to August III of Saxony in July 1733 .
4 I would take as one of them the letters in Assyrian characters sent from Persia to Sparta which the Athenians intercepted and managed to translate in 425 B.C. : for surely by Assyria grammata Thucydides must mean an Aramaic text ( 4.50 ) .
5 Another day he was sent from Washington to a Chinese vegetable stand on the Lower West Side in Manhattan , where he was told to ask for a person with the code name ‘ Mooey ’ ; Mooey went behind the counter , rolled up his trouser-leg and pulled out a wad of hundred-dollar bills , which Owen thought ‘ I had better count anyways . ’
6 On 31 October , a message was sent from Kufra to the SAS base at Kabrit : ‘ Regret Parachutist Sillito died in hospital at Kufra today .
7 On 28 June , before any request had been received from the ruler , Centaur and Bulwark were sailed for the Gulf ; the Amphibious Squadron left Bahrein for Kuwait with instructions to stay out of sight of land ; the Hunters and Shackletons were flown north from Aden to Bahrein ; a Canberra squadron was sent from Germany to Bahrein as well ; and 24th Brigade was alerted in Kenya and preparations were made to fly it to Kuwait in chartered civil aircraft .
8 Later that day , 22 May , at 190 hrs , a further signal was sent from AFHQ to Eighth Army ( with a copy to 5 Corps ) [ KP 224 ] marked " Personal for Gen McCreery from Gen Morgan " .
9 The force is also intended to block weapons shipments sent from Honduras to Salvadorean rebels .
10 Something of the flavour appears in a cryptic note sent from North to Rafsanjani late in 1986 , when Ghorbanifar had been dropped from the equation and replaced by a more promising-seeming young Iranian official , the ‘ Second Channel ’ .
11 They had boosted the strength of the signal they were bouncing off the troposphere and started transmitting the pre-coded programme that would override the telemetric signals being sent from Bacton to the offshore gas platforms .
12 It became urgently necessary on Christmas Eve afternoon to get a comforting present sent from London to a sad lady in Wordsley near Wolverhampton .
13 The Yaruba is sent from Texas to San Fernando with a supply of drinking water for the port , devastated by earthquake .
14 And both the organisations were co-signatories of a letter — signed also by leading figures in the book business , including BA president John Hitchin , PA president Paul Scherer and Anthony Sampson , chairman of the Society of Authors — which was sent in December to the Chancellor under the auspices of the National Book Committee 's ‘ Do n't Tax Reading ’ campaign .
15 Araja took Italian opera to Russia in 1736 and Italians almost completely monopolized the imperial opera for nearly half a century while promising Russian musicians , such as Bortnyansky and Berezovsky , were sent to Italy to be trained — and had their operas produced there .
16 Then they were sent to the camp at Drancy , and from there they were put on trains and sent to Auschwitz to be gassed .
17 The cup , which was valued at £30 , attracted much notice and was sent to London to be presented to William IV .
18 Explaining why Mujadid , was sent to London to further his education , group chief geologist Tim Burnhill said : ‘ We are committed to enhancing and improving the technical skills of our employees , and the Imperial College course is deemed to be one of the best of its type anywhere in the world .
19 Cultures were pelleted by centrifugation at 17000 g for 15 minutes , coded in Houston then sent to London to be assayed .
20 However , with the S.M.E.T. service cut back to Mitcham , it was found that only four would be required , so the best four were sent to Hendon to be slightly modified to resemble other S.M.E.T. cars .
21 The executed legal charge was sent to Warrens to be held , in escrow , pending completion .
22 Once sorted , the berries are sent to England to be distilled along with the other natural ingredients harvested from all over the world .
23 His parents later divorced , and at the age of five White was sent to England to be brought up by his maternal grandparents in St Leonards , Hastings .
24 Shinwell , however , was formally offered , and accepted , the post of paid assistant to Albert French , whom Wilson had sent to Glasgow to be secretary of the Glasgow branch .
25 The opposition Social Democrats even urge the recall of the 18 elderly Alpha jets already sent by Germany to Turkey , and demand a Gulf ceasefire .
26 The papyrus ( P. Hambstrg no. 129 ) contains a letter allegedly sent by Hannibal to the Athenians to announce the victory of Can nae : the forgery is evident , and its date may well be about 185 B.C. ( E. Candiloro , Studi Class .
27 Bede 's statement that Chad was sent by Oswiu to the archbishop of Canterbury to be consecrated , only to find that Deusdedit had died ( HE 111 , 28 ) , is unlikely to be correct because Wilfrid had known that Deusdedit was dead when he was earlier seeking consecration as Ealhfrith 's bishop and the probability must be that Oswiu 's court would have known this too .
28 The angel Gabriel is sent by God to a virgin in a town in Galilee called Nazareth .
29 Explosive letters were sent by Irgun to various high British officials , including Prime Minister Attlee , Foreign Secretary Bevin and Winston Churchill .
30 It is much more likely to be no more than a reflection of the fact that almost everything we know about Richard as Duke of Aquitaine comes from an English chronicler , Roger of Howden , and Roger only has information when he has access to the reports sent by Richard to his father , that is to say when Henry is in England .
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