Example sentences of "send [pron] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I send them on regular trips abroad to keep up to date with new technology … ’
2 We got to thinking that if we came to Los Angeles regularly we could make these shows all the time and send them to English-speaking countries all over the world .
3 Then if you feel it is appropriate , address them to their homes and send them by registered mail .
4 but some push button telephones send one as one pulse and two as two pulses
5 You can remove poor Flora from that sink of a school and send her to some nice nuns . ’
6 Send her into that ?
7 Send it to Personal Story at the address given on page 3 .
8 Send it to Personal Story at the address on page 3 .
9 Write your answer on a postcard and send it to Good Food Competition , TODAY Features , 1 Virginia Street , London E1 9BS , to arrive by Monday November 9 .
10 Write your answers on the back of a postcard or envelope no bigger than 5in × 6in — please include your boot size , the size of jacket , fleece or T-shirt you 'd like , and your size for waterproof pants — and send it to Outdoor Action Adidas Competition , .
11 Send it to that address alright ?
12 The typical problems that occur are that a file created on your system using downloadable fonts works perfectly but , when you send it to another system , such as a bureau 's typesetter , what you had in , say , Bodoni Bold comes back as New Century Schoolbook Italic .
13 4 One problem with many passages in Eliot 's plays is that they send us to similar but stronger passages in the poetry .
14 People would play the tapes back afterwards and would sometimes send them to distant relatives .
15 Give us a ring Nottingham three four three four three four we 'll send them by first class post and we 'll put need your postcode .
16 I tell you , if she was out in Hollywood they would send her to one of those beauty farms , where they starve them and batter them about and knock them into shape ; then they would give her a plastic nose , or make the one she 's got more pointed , put false eyelashes on her , give her hair an expert cut , and walla ! she 'd be a sensation .
17 After that she needed no invitation and , when he was lying exhausted beside her , she would send him into loud peals of laughter with her spicy , tart wit and skill at mimicry , particularly of that rather stuffy English clerk , Hugh Corbett .
18 I suddenly wondered , why did they send him on that Adventuring course ?
19 ‘ We 'll send him for another x-ray when he 's completed his course of strep . ’
20 Now the tickets are four quid each , you can get 'em on the door , but if you 'd like two tickets , phone us on , we 'll send 'em by first class post , we need your postcode , give us a ring now , if you 'd like two tickets for the grand charity dance , modern , old-time and sequence featuring Phil , resident organist at the Tower Ballroom Blackpool .
21 Do you think Janet should send it to one of the other regions like Manchester or somewhere
22 So it needs some , an action somewhere to erm , er , er , he said could we get , if we 've got a conformation , conformation that 's from R E S could you send it to British Section .
23 Could you send it to another school , to be viewed by people who do n't know any of the people who took part in the recording ?
24 I shall send it by registered post . ’
25 Both you and I are much blamed by the " crouner and capitanes " and in truth not without cause , for they say there is no wrong done in Ireland but only that which is done by these men that come from Ila , and Auchinbrecke said to me that he would complain to my Lord of you for sending them at all , except men you have passed and will be answerable for .
26 Stuart Baxter must be off his trolley , sending someone like that .
27 So you can understand what a sacrifice it is your father is making in sending you to this school .
28 ‘ And all the money your dad spent sending you to public school , ’ said Constance .
29 What 's the problem with sending one in each time ?
30 Whatever their differences , could Huy hold himself responsible for sending him to such an end ?
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