Example sentences of "send [prep] [pers pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 How many birds did my true love send to me on the twelfth day of Christmas ?
2 Send to me in any event .
3 Why did n't you send for me at once ? ’
4 These I shall send to you for harsh criticism and very helpful suggestions re set . ’
5 Why are you sending to it with that ?
6 ‘ You mean she 's frightened of the doctor and she thinks you 're going to send for him behind her back ? ’
7 It had made the Marchese a small fortune when he sold it to the deputy of the English connoisseur in Naples who was going to ship it away in boxes ; it was being stripped from the walls when the Government heard of it and came and sealed up the villa again , but not before one of the intermediaries had sliced enough off the top of the deal to pay his passage to America , promising to send after him for his family .
8 It will ask him to send to me at Baker Street the pocket book I left at the Hall . ’
9 The specimens you were so good as to send to me by Captain Lyon would have been a treasure had they arrived safe ; but his ship was taken by the French , so those were all lost , which is a great misfortune at this time , when they would have been of great service to me , in ascertaining the names of some plants which remain doubtful .
10 I sent for him to his private address as soon as I got the news but he has to get up from Winchester . ’
11 Aunt Emily sent for her after breakfast .
12 ‘ There is a patient you sent to me for tests — the man with anorexia , you remember ?
13 The ones he sent to me from Spain ?
14 Michael Rosen 's collection of Rude Rhymes ( Signet , £3.99 ) sent to him over the years by members of the public are rather lavatorial — and that 's probably the best place to keep it .
15 The people who care for these snakes are very clever at milking them and getting the venom from the animal safely , and this is then purified biochemically and erm sent to us as a dried product in a stoppered bottle and the snakes are a thousand miles away , I 'm glad to say .
16 A car would be sent for him at seven-thirty .
17 But Bella had gone ahead , all the same , and sent for it from a catalogue .
18 The note which had been sent into him at the factory had said that he was to meet them at eight o'clock on Boxing Night .
19 The invitation to address this Congress on behalf of " the deaf of Great Britain " had been sent to him as Secretary-Treasurer of the BDDA .
20 Perhaps he could do little else , but there is no mistaking the magnanimity of the spirit in which he wrote the following reply to one question which had been sent to him during his exile .
21 She was sent to him to be prepared for confirmation .
22 He was often directed to see to the ploughing , tilling and sowing of assarts , waste and other lands belonging to the king in the forest , and cattle were sometimes sent to him to be fattened on the forest pastures .
23 Will he carefully consider the representations that I have sent to him on that subject ?
24 A copy of the report must also be sent to him at the same time that it is sent to the Secretary of State , and he then has twenty-one days in which to decide whether he will ask for a review board to examine the whole matter in public .
25 Mr Christie , backed by the campaigning organisation Liberty , yesterday announced he was making a formal complaint to the European Commission on Human Rights over the routine interception of telexes sent to him at the STUC 's Glasgow headquarters by a special unit within GCHQ .
26 R. scotica was noted by Miller as the ‘ Burnet-leaved rose with a livid red flower ’ and , having had dried specimens of R. alpina sent to him from Italy , he found them to be exactly the same .
27 Mr Morraine spent most of his time dusting his collection of strange-looking rocks and stones he had sent to him from all over the world .
28 He had the whalebone sent to him from the port of Leith from where several whalers operated .
29 There were other things he added herbs sent to him from friends on the Plantations , and other , special things .
30 In the end , William 's invasion manifesto , which was based to a large extent on a draft sent to him from England by Danby , emphasised grievances that had a special appeal for Anglicans and Tories .
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