Example sentences of "anything so [adj] as " in BNC.

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1 He did not refer to anything so vulgar as payment , of course , because the Gnomes would not expect it .
2 Twomey 's niece had prepared what she considered " a nice meal " for the travellers , but Twomey would not allow anything so unfitting as sharing a High Tea with Sir Dermot .
3 The fundamental original units that we need to postulate , in order to understand the coming into existence of everything , either consist of literally nothing ( according to some physicists ) , or ( according to other physicists ) they are units of the utmost simplicity , far too simple to need anything so grand as deliberate Creation .
4 Hardly anything so grand as horology I expect you 're thinking .
5 She thought she had never seen anything so delicate as his left eyelid quivering above the green ball of his eye , nor anything so vivid as the scarlet spots spattering the bow of his tie .
6 This large-scale homogeneity of the universe makes it very difficult to believe that the structure of the universe is determined by anything so peripheral as some complicated molecular structures on a minor planet orbiting a very average star in the outer suburbs of a fairly typical spiral galaxy .
7 Oh , they wo n't go for anything so crude as physical torture .
8 ‘ I 've never heard anything so funny as Paisley accusing the Pope of being the Anti-Christ , ’ he gasped , shaking and holding his ribs .
9 I do n't know when I 've seen anything so heavenly as that gesture of welcome she made , that smile that she mirrored .
10 I do n't think Sophie had ever felt anything so complicated as guilt , so she must have done these things because she was fond of him .
11 So it was that when I was asked to contribute an account of Elizabeth Taylor 's novels to a book of reference I remembered these words and wrote that her motive power was Love : ‘ Not the love that is a four-letter word , nor yet anything so theoretical as Christian charity , but most certainly a great virtue . ’
12 The US Federal Trade Commission is still trying to put together a case against Microsoft Corp that will win support from its commissioners , US PC Week reports , and will be collecting final depositions this week : the complaint is now expected to be drastically simplified in an effort to make it acceptable to at least three of the four voting commissioners , and the latest depositions are primarily focused on allegations that Microsoft intentionally built incompatibilities into its software so it would n't work well with offerings from competitors — a complaint set off by Novell Inc , which alleged DR DOS would n't work with Windows 3.1 because Microsoft deliberately added incompatible code ; Microsoft said it had ‘ never developed a product to be intentionally incompatible with some other product ’ ; the Commission is also expected to address the manner in which Microsoft disseminates technical information to developers , and the manner in which it has capitalised on operating system monopoly to build applications sales ; if at least three of the four commissioners agree with the complaint , the case will go to administrative court and Microsoft will be sued by the federal government for anti-trust violations , but the company is not expected to be asked to do anything so drastic as sell units .
13 The water buoyed them and Ruth had never experienced anything so erotic as she dragged her hands down his wet back to grasp his hips to her own .
14 Leo was probably fun to be with , a great companion , a good friend , she thought , then gave a wry chagrined smile as he turned towards her as though he 'd been aware of her presence all along — and she might have known he would n't do anything so obliging as to walk off .
15 The profusion of newer universities have taken to offering franchised versions of their courses at further education colleges , while breaking with the tradition that it was unbecoming for a university to do anything so crass as advertising its wares .
16 But as Arafat and his colleagues knew full well , the Lebanese state was not beholden to anything so exotic as parliamentary democracy .
17 The implication is that it is somehow self-evident that anything so wonderful as this could not possibly have evolved by natural selection .
18 This almost utopian-sounding conclusion — that niceness and forgivingness pay — came as a surprise to many of the experts , who had tried to be too cunning by submitting subtly nasty strategies ; while even those who had submitted nice strategies had not dared anything so forgiving as Tit for Two Tats .
19 In a country where anything so conspicuous as reducing food subsidies courts trouble , cut backs in the health sector may seem a safer bet ( in 1977 7.7 per cent of GNP was devoted to health care , down from 9.5 per cent in 1955 ; in comparison , proportions in the United States over the same period rose from 8 per cent to 11 per cent ) .
20 It seemed to me that he was colder now , disappointed that I should have been found to have anything so hostile as escape equipment in my pockets .
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