Example sentences of "anything [pron] might [verb] " in BNC.

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1 He hardly ever forgets to bring anything I might want .
2 He called me into his office and proceeded to deliver a very embarrassed speech about how he would support me and anything I might do .
3 But anything I might do in that way would have to await my return home .
4 ‘ Certainly not of me or of anything I might do . ’
5 I would like to think that my ministry would appeal to a cross section of the population , that Official Unionists could come to my services and not be insulted by anything I might say .
6 If he exaggerated at all , it was in supposing that anything I might say mattered all that much .
7 ‘ There 's nothing in this world that I 'm afraid of , ’ he said smoothly , ‘ least of all anything I might have to say to you . ’
8 Anything I might have seen ? ’
9 A meticulous man , with a compelling need for orderliness , distancing himself from anything which might threaten the harmonious life he was striving to create .
10 The old woman died , Rachel searched the house for anything which might incriminate her , and then disappeared . ’
11 And if you do agree to them , but later have second thoughts , seek expert advice before doing anything which might expose you to legal action , or to the risk that the instalment payments will be stopped .
12 Japanese nationals were cut off from personal contacts with Europeans and the import of foreign artefacts , books and anything which might convey Western knowledge was banned .
13 Landowners ca n't do exactly what they want for a start , and if they intend to do anything which might damage the site they have to inform the Nature Conservancy Council in writing and try to work out a compromise .
14 ‘ My people are upstairs talking to Beryl and going through Francis 's room , looking for anything which might explain why he was murdered .
15 Newspapers are forbidden by law to publish anything which might identify you .
16 She was always careful never to write anything which might betray where she lived and the identity of those whom she wrote about , while stressing that the column was based upon her experiences and verifiable fact .
17 It was merely that he never wanted in a tournament round to risk anything which might upset his endlessly repetitive ritual and rhythm .
18 A PICTURE of incompetence , lack of urgency and eagerness to hide anything which might embarrass Whitehall is revealed in yesterday 's 170-page report by the Ombudsman , Sir Anthony Barrowclough , on the the Department of Trade 's handling of Barlow Clowes .
19 reluctance by managers to introduce anything which might disturb the cosy relationship between superior and subordinate
20 And above all , it was vital not to do anything which might give the Soviet authorities grounds for hindering the return of our own men .
21 In Egerton v. Esplanade Hotels London Ltd [ 1947 ] 2 All ER 88 , the tenants covenanted not to do , or allow to be done , on the premises anything which might annoy their landlords or other tenants .
22 John Pitt , joint mangaing director of Anchor International , said : ‘ We are not willing to say anything which might prejudice our application . ’
23 We have a good spirit and I do n't want to do anything which might put it at risk . ’
24 Nevertheless , the Home Secretary was persuaded that anything which might help towards countering the rising prison population by keeping out of prison those who need not be there was worth trying :
25 When Myra was regressed she was unable to come up with anything which might have had a distressing effect upon her before the incident with her cousin .
26 She asked her head of department if he could think of anything which might have acted against her .
27 Although opportunities are so obviously different from problems there is a style of management thinking which equates the two by broadening the definition of a " problem " to include anything you might want to achieve .
28 It was just not anything you might encounter in Texas , not if you went back or forward a million years .
29 So I think we ought to have a chat about the sort of things he 's putting you on , and then what side effects or anything you might get from those , but
30 As it is , Bernard has no intention of trading in his guitar for anything you might see in a Kraftwerk video .
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