Example sentences of "continue for a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 When I gave it away I believe I was still playing well enough to continue for a few more years , but I had had enough , and it was time to consider the family .
2 Clark had , however , made it clear that he did not wish to continue for a further term and , as a consequence of an Academic Board working party 's recommendation , a permanent post was created and filled externally by the appointment of the author .
3 And although I am now tired , very cold and extremely hungry — with a headache into the bargain ! — I am compelled to continue for a little while longer .
4 Uterine contractions continue for a few days after birth ( they are often particularly evident when the child begins to suck at the nipple ) .
5 Those benefits may be continued for a long succession of generations upon deserving objects , let us strenuously support our own undertaking : and may our children , and our children 's children feel an ardour even greater than our own in the cause of humanity ; so that as long as the County of Bedford exists , its Infirmary may be one of the chief objects of care , and one of the principal sources of its honest pride . ’
6 In the countryside , life must have continued for a long time as it always had done .
7 Lastly , we may notice that even a wrongful possession , if continued for a certain length of time , matures into what may be , for practical purposes , indistinguishable from ownership .
8 Bishop believed that change was essential and reported on his return to Washington that there was undue complacency in Tokyo ; the vested interests in the occupation bureaucracy believed that American dominance in Japan must be continued for a considerable period and Bishop held that tough action would be required in order to transform attitudes and to terminate the occupation .
9 Oesophagitis was still present at the second endoscopy in three patients and the treatment had to be continued for a further four to six weeks , when a third endoscopy confirmed complete healing .
10 The meal was given with an additional volume of 500 ml water and imaging was continued for a further 40 minutes after the meal .
11 Preincubation was usually continued for a further 10 minutes , and then agonists were added to the suspensions and the change in cyclic AMP content recorded at intervals over the following 30 minutes .
12 MR Ladislav Adamec , the Czechoslovak Prime Minister , threatened to quit last night , as hard bargaining continued for a second day with the opposition over the shape of the new government .
13 This continued for a long time during which he shuffled his feet uncomfortably , controlling his immediate impulse to shout at her to be quiet .
14 Despite joining the ILP in 1907 , he continued for a long time to write leaders for Liberal journals .
15 Then the collection of gastric juice was restarted and continued for a final 60 minutes .
16 We continued for a short distance before pitching our tents in the boulder strewn tundra now below the elegant , ice-fluted summit of Chonku Chuli .
17 The fighting continued for a few seconds before they realised that it was no longer dark .
18 This vigorous phase continued for a few days , with the column of steam and ash climbing eleven kilometres high above the volcano and showering ash over points up to 480 kilometres distant .
19 The calling continued for a few moments and then , with a cry of ‘ bitch ’ , to her horror , Nicky Scott Wilson began to make the most blood-curdling noise as he bayed her name to the night sky , like a wolf .
20 The collection continued for a further 90 minutes .
21 If an antidepressant is indicated , it should be used in a full therapeutic dose and continued for an appropriate period of time .
22 The only interesting point to emerge was that the Roman ditch continued an almost certainly unbroken course northwards past the medieval gate and its street to terminate 5.5 m ( 18 ft ) beyond them , while both the early rampart and the Roman wall continued for an unknown distance beyond this end of the ditch .
23 The search continues for a practical solution .
24 Global ventricular dilatation , which results from a progressive increase in myocyte length with sarcomere recruitment and resulting hypertrophy of the non-infarcted myocardium , continues for a long time .
25 Terrace chanting begins even before support band , the undervalued Wonky Alice , have left the stage , and continues for a solid 20 minutes until the Sultans finally strut out to the opening strains of ‘ Land Of Hope And Glory ’ ( very Gary Glitter ) .
26 This regular pattern only continues for a short time , and after about eight hours , the embryo is a blastula comprising a hollow ball of about 1000 cells .
27 The route continues for a short way beside the beck , crossing it and turning right to head first slightly north-east and then north-west until a small beck is crossed , and then another by the Cortina Bridge — named after a Ford Cortina crashed here in one of the Lombard RAC rallies .
28 Enthusiasm should not he allowed to overrule common sense : beyond the point of return , the cave continues for a further half — mile , dropping in pitches to a depth of 250 feet .
29 Medical students learn to distinguish ‘ acute ’ , which means something of recent onset , from ‘ chronic ’ , which means a condition which has lasted and will probably continue for a substantial time .
30 ( b ) Use will continue for a substantial period .
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