Example sentences of "continue [to-vb] with the " in BNC.

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1 My hon. Friend has made it clear that no willing volunteer will be turned away and that anybody who wants to continue to serve with the TA will be able to do so , maybe not with the unit in which he is now serving , but with another unit .
2 No particular form of words is necessary to create a floating charge ; it suffices if the intention is shown ( a ) to impose a charge on assets both present and future , ( b ) the assets are of such a nature that they would be changing in the ordinary course of the company 's business , and ( c ) the company is free to continue to deal with the assets in the ordinary course of its business .
3 They sold their assets — empty sites , empty schools , council houses — in the hope this would permit them to continue to build with the money .
4 We continue to work with the police , the FBI , and Interpol on stolen works of art .
5 You could begin your essay by acknowledging this and continue to work with the definitions throughout the essay , relating the different definitions together in the conclusion .
6 We are continuing to explore with the parties .
7 Continue to fry with the onion for a couple of minutes until it begins to absorb the oil .
8 David Tweedie , the chairman of the Accounting Standards Board , has already warned that the ASB will follow the cookbook approach if companies and their auditors continue to comply with the letter of the rules rather than with their spirit .
9 The schools of the 1960s and 1970s continue to function with the teachers in them adapting their style to meet contemporary needs and expectations .
10 There may be client cases where new recruits feel out of their depth in which case they can invite the minder into the interview room , with the permission of the client , but still continue to deal with the client 's enquiry .
11 Enquirers wanting information about the Northumberland coalfield , for example , continue to deal with the Newcastle office even though mapping in that area is managed from Keyworth .
12 Geographical separation between those solicitors and staff continuing to deal with the case and those who have previously been involved on the other side is recommended and it will be essential to extract appropriate undertakings from all such personnel .
13 In his genuine wish to continue to co-operate with the Board in the cause of the development of liberal adult education , Wash missed the substantive threat to the District 's future as the Responsible Body for Chapter III provision .
14 Real output will continue to fall with the multiplier and accelerator interacting with each other until the floor is reached .
15 More importantly , she continued to struggle with the increasingly demanding role of Mrs Hoffman .
16 A total of more than 2.7 million have been built , and the number continues to grow with the Renault 5 Campus still remaining in production — 21 years after the Renault 5 's first introduction .
17 The period which elapses until a product at the limit of the release specification at the time of manufacture , changes until it has reached the limit of the check specification , is the minimum shelf-life ; the product which is close to the nominal value at the time of manufacture will continue to comply with the check specification for longer than this .
18 However , because the Catholics had little share in the city 's wealth creation , they continued to identify with the nationalist tendencies of the southern Irish majority .
19 The department will continue to refine with the health authorities the local care programme approach adopted from April 1991 ( Bedfordshire ) .
20 International pressure on Aoun continued to grow with the arrival on March 5 of a Vatican mediator , Mgr Alberto Sozzi , and on March 9 Aoun announced in an interview with the daily newspaper An Nahar that he was willing to hold talks with the LF to end the fighting and to discuss without preconditions the accord reached by the Lebanese Parliament in Taif , Saudi Arabia on Oct. 22 , 1989 [ see p 36986 ] .
21 If such a claim is made , the Commission may decide that there is no such distinct market ( in which case the member state concerned can appeal to the Court of First Instance ) or it may continue to deal with the merger itself , with particular reference to competition in the market concerned .
22 A beneficiary under a declaration of trust is not so well-placed : the bank will continue to deal with the trustee , and in the ordinary course the deposit will be repaid by the bank to the trustee , not the beneficiary .
23 Amazingly , the Million , which is restricted to the 250 yearlings sold at the Goffs Million sale the year before , will continue to clash with the Arc weekend because the sales it is tied to take place the week after .
24 Two Colombian journalists , the last remaining hostages of the nine kidnapped by the " Extraditables " group between August and November 1990 , were freed on May 20 in Bogotá , the capital , as the government continued to negotiate with the Medellín and Calí cartels the terms of surrender of leading " drug barons " .
25 Familiarity bred business so it seemed , as established dealers with a limited clientele continued to deal with the same few people day after day , generating sometimes fantastic commissions for themselves , as well as token fines for the overtrading habits that ironically were tacitly encouraged .
26 Gallacher continued to argue with the referee throughout the game and followed him off the pitch at the end wagging his finger in the official 's face .
27 In foreign policy , despite his respect for the consistency of the new US President , Ronald Reagan , the Chancellor continued to argue with the Americans .
28 During the eighteenth century imported black-and-whites from Jutland became the foundation of the British Friesian , which continued to develop with the help of imports from the Netherlands at intervals and also imports from South Africa ( 1922 ) and Canada ( 1946 onwards ) .
29 Ray continued to wrestle with the wheel , but with no success whatever .
30 We shall continue to confer with the local health authority .
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