Example sentences of "continue [to-vb] [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Mr Major believes any rebellion can be quelled by extending the debate on Scotland and continuing to drive home the message that devolution leading to independence would harm Scottish interests , reduce Scotland 's influence within the EC , and cause political uncertainty which would draw investment away south of the border and abroad .
2 Although these missions may be scaled down if the alliance 's Patriot missiles continue to destroy almost every incoming Scud , a fear remains that Iraq might be able to replace the conventional warheads with chemical ones .
3 Well , I will tell you now , Murphy , that as long as you continue to do properly the job for which you are paid I do n't care how much you drink nor shall I tell anyone about it , not anyone .
4 This film , made in courage by bereaved parents , strengthened the resolve of those present to continue to offer only the best to those whom they serve .
5 Almost all prosodists will acknowledge this in theory ; in practice they have continued to examine only the linguistic surface of poetry and to regard its prosodic elements as themselves elements of rhythm .
6 However , the independent sector remains by far the most significant source of Standard Life 's business and the Company will continue to support fully the interests of independent advisers .
7 But we will continue to go there every year . ’
8 In Wagner himself , at all events , he continued to see only the image that Wagner wished to project : an " idealistic cast of mind " , an " incredible seriousness and German depth " in his view of life and art , an epitome of " our German mission " in every way .
9 It may be enough for an investment trust to tempt investors by describing the opportunity area in broad terms , and inasmuch as this temptation continues to work then the early investors can sell out at a profit to the later ones .
10 As a result , Europe 's share of the total world population does not vary greatly between then and 1945 : it fell slightly , but continued to provide about a quarter of the world 's people .
11 Dr. Robert Upshall , who would have fought for a seat in Parliament , said party supporters would continue to hammer home the environmental message .
12 They simply repeated their censure periodically while Israel continued to destroy almost every facet of Resolution 242 's validity by land seizures , illegal settlements , and the annexation of both Jerusalem and the Golan Heights .
13 The WCG mounted spirited campaigns on the issues of maternity and easier divorce — the latter in opposition to the Cooperative movement as a whole — but women continued to play only a minor role in the central decision-making bodies of the Cooperative Society and the Labour Party .
14 The shares , however , rose 6p to 648p , indicating that the market continues to expect either a higher offer or the intervention of a white knight , possibly from continental Europe .
15 Although both sides continued to use much the same arguments after 1900 as they had before , the question of competition was given a completely new dimension and greater urgency by the appearance of the first Monotype machines .
16 The Swann Report thus failed to break with the cultural and ethnic essentialism which had hegemonized debate in this area and which , as we shall see , continues to mark both the ‘ multiculturalist ’ and ‘ antiracist ’ discourses and programmes of educational reform .
17 We must continue to put forward an alternative framework within which British farmers can take commercial decisions over the best way to use their skills and resources , play their part in sustaining our rural economy and the countryside , and compete fairly within Europe .
18 It is easy to understand how the Lehman ‘ Madonna ’ continued to astonish even the restorers Mario Modestini and Pico Cellini , and the art historian Federico Zeri , who were the first to say it was modern , and correctly guessed its authorship .
19 As an NPT signatory , North Korea continues to violate flagrantly the IAEA safeguards by repeatedly denying inspectors access to its nuclear facilities .
20 Notwithstanding this , the city policy continued to approach only the designated neighbourhood group .
21 This statement was made in the context of the planning and design of hotels for new constructionn , but an obvious corollary is that these major systems should be properly serviced to ensure that the hotel continues to operate successfully every day .
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